Business Directory Business Directory

It's time for the St Rita's community to shop local!

Yes – it’s time we were using businesses that parents or past students own, operate or are employed at to provide us with what we need professionally, personally, for around the home, the car, travel, entertainment, and more.

Whether it be clothes, shoes, food, restaurants, entertainment, optical, legal, dentistry, accounting, real estate, mechanics, builders, trades of all types, the St Rita’s College Business Directory can put your business in the palm of everyone’s hand.

Accessed from the College App on your mobile phone, the Business Directory goes everywhere with you. Having a coffee with friends and remember you need to find a tradie? Just pull out your phone and click into the Business Directory on the College App.

Best of all, you get to choose whether the subscription you pay supports Music or Sport pursuits at the College.

What do I get in my listing?

What will my listing look like?


We’ll work hard to continually promote the Directory and lead traffic to the site through ads in Verbis, pop ups on the College website, App advertising, business spotlights and more. Online directories are proven to drive traffic to business websites, serving as an effective marketing and business development tool.

St Rita’s College Business Directory listings will be active from Term 3, 2022. Bookings for listings are now open.


Mrs Anna Roberts, Manager Community Development, St Rita’s College 

3862 1615 or