Transport and Location Our College

St Rita’s College is situated in the Brisbane suburb of Clayfield, which is approximately 15 minutes from the CBD.  The College is close to bus and rail transport.

Transport to St Rita’s College

The Brisbane City Council bus route of 300 services Alexandra Road, an approximate 100 metre safe walking distance from the College. Multiple Brisbane City Council bus routes from both the city and northern suburb directions service Sandgate Road. Sandgate Road is a safe 250 metre walk through suburban streets to St Rita’s.

Red and White Coaches (Coach Australia Pty Ltd) transport students from St Rita’s, St Margaret’s, Clayfield College and Mary MacKillop College and operate school runs to and from the northern suburbs of Brisbane.  Please refer to their website for school bus routes or email or phone 3269 6466.

Hornibrook Buslines run the 999A/315 and 999B/315 services from Kippa Ring to St Rita’s and other surrounding schools and a service to connect with the train from Sandgate. Call 3284 1622 or visit

Hendra and Clayfield rail stations are both approximately 800 metres from the College. Visit Translink or phone 13 12 30 to find the most convenient public transport options that are closest to your home.

Student Drivers

Students who hold a Drivers Licence and whose parents wish them to drive to and from school are requested to inform the Principal's Office. Students are not permitted to transport other students in their vehicles. The College requests cooperation and respect by all drivers (staff, parents and students) in adhering to traffic and parking laws and maintaining property access for local residents.