How St Rita’s 2020 Captains plan to lead How St Rita’s 2020 Captains plan to lead

Generation Z often get a bad rap, but next year’s St Rita’s College Captains are already working to dispel that theory.

College Captain Caitlin of Eatons Hill, alongside Vice Captains Gabrielle (Grange) and Elizabeth (Clayfield), have wasted no time laying the groundwork for what will be their focus in 2020.

During St Rita’s ‘Year of Hope’, they plan to take a three-pronged approach concentrating on mental health, community interconnectedness and increasing awareness and action surrounding global issues. 

College Captain Caitlin said the mental health focus was an attempt to address an increasingly common issue for today’s teenagers.

“We are planning to implement ‘Mental Health Mondays’, involving a broad buddy system within our eight Houses and across all Year levels,” she said.

“Each Monday girls would have a check-in during House group; even just five minutes to ask how they are going or how they are feeling.”

“We hope this would impact interconnectedness by increasing school spirit and attendance at events, regardless of Year level.”

Vice Captain Gabrielle said leadership initiatives would also involve looking beyond the St Rita’s community.

“We want to encourage students to continue to serve the wider community through House Ministries, and we would also love to look at raising money for drought relief,” she said.

Taking their plans one step further, Caitlin identified a need for students to be across issues at an international level.

“With such a focus on social media today, and so much going on in the world, we feel like a lot of students are scared to get involved with global issues because they fear they can’t do anything about it,” she said. 

“We really want to look at giving all students the knowledge and skills necessary to feel confident in their ability to impact the world, and this is something that could also start small in House groups.”

“I think there is an attitude that you can’t be heard or take action about the things you care about until your senior years, and that’s something we would like to change,” Vice Captain Elizabeth said.