Verbis - Term 2, Edition 4 2023 Verbis - Term 2, Edition 4 2023

8 June 2023

Year of Simplicity - Travelling Lightly

From our College Leadership Team
Principal - Mrs Dale Morrow
Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Maree Trims

Principal - Mrs Dale Morrow

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week is National Reconciliation week and it highlights for all Australians the importance of the concept of reconciliation in our nation. I discussed with the students at assembly what this week means for us in Australia today. Sometimes we speak of ourselves as a young nation, but we have  one of the world’s oldest living cultures in the world in Australia. We are beginning to realise and appreciate how lucky we are to be associated with the oldest continuous culture in the world. However, our history shows that this has not always been the case. There have been some great injustices done to Aboriginal people in the past and it is still happening in parts of society today.  As a nation, we have the opportunity in the very near future to take steps to help right those wrongs and take meaningful action to recognise the truly wonderful gift our First Nation peoples’ culture and history are to all in Australia. In this National Week of Reconciliation, I’d ask that you spend time speaking to your daughters about what should happen to help put an end to the great disadvantage many Aboriginal communities find themselves in.

The Prime Minister Mr Albanese stated in a speech last week “that the referendum is our chance to add weight and meaning, cementing our pride in our nation, and making a real and lasting difference in the process. Words are important, but we give them their truest meaning through our actions.” This of course is a sentiment that we can relate to given our own motto of “Action not Words”.

The referendum on the “Voice to Parliament" will be held later this year. In it, people of voting age will be asked to vote “Yes” or “No” to the proposal to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

The Australian Bishops argued that the fact First Nations Peoples have lived in Australia for many thousands of years but their custodianship of the land isn’t mentioned in the Constitution is “an omission which needs to be rectified”. A Voice to Parliament isn’t the only way to achieve that outcome, the bishops wrote, but it “is the way requested by those who gathered at the historic meeting at Uluru”.

“This could be a significant step towards a more just and equitable Australia,” the statement says. “We want to encourage all Australians to educate themselves as well as possible concerning the proposal to establish the Voice.

“This is an important moment in the history of the nation, and it can help us to move towards a deep and just reconciliation. It also offers a mechanism to improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.”

The bishops call for a meaningful debate on the issue, acknowledging that “people may, in good faith, have differing concerns and perspectives”.

“We are an open democracy, and this is a moment to use our democratic institutions to produce a high-quality debate shaped by a genuine concern to do justice and bring healing to First Nations Peoples,” they wrote.

“We ask those drafting the changes to the Constitution to work together in a spirit of cooperation, so that the proposal presented to the Australian people will appeal to a wide range of the population.”

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference endorsed the Uluru Statement from the Heart in 2021, with the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia taking the same step last year.

How this referendum came about goes back to May of 2017 - six years ago this week. What happened then was, a representative group of 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegates came together at the foot of Uluru in Central Australia which lies on the lands of the Anangu people. These delegates brought with them the views of the majority of First Nations people that were gathered throughout Australia from Regional Dialogues. From this meeting came what is now known as “Uluru Statement from the Heart”. This statement is not a demand from Aboriginal Australians but an invitation to all of us to participate in a great act of reconciliation. Essentially it calls for the establishment of a ‘First Nations Voice’ to be enshrined in the Australia Constitution and for the establishment of a ‘Makarrata Commission’ to supervise agreement-making and truth-telling between governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Makarrata is a word from the language of the Yolngu people in Arnhem Land. It means two parties coming together after a struggle, to heal the wounds of the past, and to live again in peace – in other words, Reconciliation. The word’s core message is to acknowledge that something wrong has been done and to seek to make things right. The word captures the aspirations for a fair, truthful and reconciled relationship between First Nations and the people of Australia, and for a better future for First Nations’ children based on justice and self-determination.

The words of the complete Uluru statement create a powerful call inviting all Australians to share equally in our society. I hope that all families will strive to understand the significance of this vote to the future of our country.

I wish all families a very relaxing and enjoyable midyear break. I also wish all students and staff travelling overseas at this time to Cambodia, Europe and New York all the best. I hope these travels will enrich their lives and they come back to us with a greater understanding of the world.

God bless

Mrs Dale Morrow

Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Maree Trims

Reporting for Semester 1

While the College releases all individual task results via our MySRC app, the student’s overall results will be released, in an Academic Transcript, in the week beginning July 3. These results will be the overall results for each subject over the course of Semester 1 and they will determine the Academic Award recipients for Years 7 – 12.

 The Academic Awards Assembly will be held on Thursday 20 July at 8.35am. The list of Academic Award recipients will be finalised by Friday July 14.

Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews Term 3

Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews will be offered during the following times:

  • Interview Session 1                                    Monday 17 July (Student Free Day) 1.30pm– 6.30pm
  • Interview Session 2                                    Tuesday 25 July 3.30pm – 8.30pm

More information and relevant links will be sent to parents when the Semester 1 reports are released.

Primary Years
Head of Primary, Ms Georgina Howard

Head of Primary, Ms Georgina Howard

As we come to the end of our first semester with both Year 5 and Year 6, Primary staff and students have been reflecting on the busyness and excitement that has permeated Terms 1 and 2. We have doubled in size and, in turn, have doubled the excitement and energy that our Primary students bring to College life.

Our Primary Team have worked tirelessly in providing engaging and interesting learning opportunities for the girls across all subject areas. The students have given 100% effort in their learning and are to be commended for always trying their best. Although they are the youngest students in the College, our Primary girls work hard to further themselves in their studies and demonstrate determination, persistence and growing resilience when presented with learning challenges.

This semester has seen many Primary firsts – our first House Representatives and House Assemblies, the establishment of Mini Vinnies, the excitement of our new playground, excursions to Lone Pine Sanctuary and the Planetarium and our adventures in Canberra.

Primary staff and students are immensely grateful for the support of our College community and would like to thank all who have contributed to such a positive and successful Semester.

Year 6 Canberra Trip

Our very first Year 6 Canberra Trip was a tremendous success. The students enjoyed a wonderful week experiencing places of national significance and making memories that will last a lifetime. Our students had an opportunity to visit much of the Nation’s capital. 

At Parliament House, both groups were excited to be in the viewing gallery and witness a division, followed by a vote on a Bill of Parliament. We saw some familiar faces in the House of Representatives, including Prime Minister Albanese and former Prime Minister Morrison, and met the current Member for Brisbane, Mr Stephen Bates. 

Our visit to the Australian War Memorial was deeply moving as students listened to stories of courage, determination, and sacrifice. Students heard of the bravery of those who fought and died for their country and freedom.

When asked about other highlights from our adventures, student responses have included:

  • Our tour of Government House and learning about the role of the Governor-General
  • Our visit to the Australian Institute of Sport and seeing how the athletes train
  • Visiting Questacon and learning about Science in Q by Night (when we had the whole building to ourselves!)
  • Learning about the history of our currency and how coins are minted at the Royal Australian Mint
  • Seeing snow for the first time at Thredbo!
  • Voting in our mini-election at the National Electoral Education Centre (apples won both votes!)
  • Seeing the view from Mount Ainslie and spotting Parliament House and the War Memorial from the top!

At each location we visited, our hosts commented on the beautiful behaviour and insightful questions of our students. Year 6 were exceptional representatives of the College community.

A very special thank you to Mrs Balfe and the team at Student Horizons for their time and efforts in organising such a memorable trip for our students and to Mrs Hukins, Miss Dawson, Mrs Skelton, Mrs Balfe and Mr Robinson for caring for and encouraging our girls in their Canberra adventure. 

Holiday Sports Clinics

Our Year 6 students are invited to join their future Year 7 classmates at our upcoming School Holiday Sports Clinic for our Year 7, 2024 class to be held on Wednesday 5 July and Thursday 6 July. 

This action packed sports clinic will provide a great opportunity for your daughter to try new sports, have fun, build confidence and meet and play with her new Year 7 classmates. Registrations close next Friday so be sure to register here. Full details were distributed to Year 6 parents earlier this week.

Our current Year 5 students will have a similar opportunity to connect with their future classmates over the September school holidays. Further details to follow.

From the College Captains
Cancer Council Ponytail Project
School Satchel Care Packs

Cancer Council Ponytail Project

Our annual Ponytail Project is fast approaching, and we are excited to see our St Rita's students 'rock the chop' in support of the Cancer Council.

The ‘big chop’ event will take place next term on Friday 25 August and every ponytail chopped will make a difference to the lives of people affected by cancer. 

This project empowers people all over Australia and within our school community to make a direct difference as all chopped hair is used to make wigs for cancer patients and all monetary donations fund life-changing research and support communities going through their cancer journey.

In our year of simplicity, this is an amazing opportunity to give back to the community and we appreciate all donations to this worthy cause:

Thank you very much! 

Ava, Rachel and Taya

School Satchel Care Packs

In our year of Simplicity, we are recycling our old school satchels to create care packs for women and children experiencing homelessness due to domestic violence. To fill these satchels, we would greatly appreciate your donation of essential items and care products listed below. Please deliver your donations to Student Services.

Thank you very much! 

Ava, Rachel and Taya 

Upcoming Events
St Rita's College P&F Raffle - Drive away in a Mazda2!
Upcoming Dates to Note
Service Rosters
Rita's Longest Lunch Raffle - Sunday 11 June

St Rita's College P&F Raffle - Drive away in a Mazda2!

Buckle up! The 2023 P&F Raffle is here and one lucky winner will drive away in a dazzling Mazda2 valued at $26,800! With only 2,000 tickets up for grabs get in quick before they all sell out!

Click here for prize details and to purchase your tickets

All funds raised will support the St Rita's College Parents and Friends' Association in their mission to support the College in providing exceptional learning environments and opportunities for all students. 

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • Wednesday 8 June - Rosies School Outreach Program
  • Friday 9 June - Kildare Rocky Fundraiser Day
  • Sunday 11 June - Rita's Longest Lunch
  • Wednesday 14 June - Year 10 Careers Day
  • Wednesday 14 June - Year 11 2024 Subject Selection
  • Friday 16 June - Interhouse Track and Field Carnival
  • Friday 16 June - Term 2 Concludes
  • Monday 10 July - Term 3 Commences

Service Rosters

Big Brekky

Students are to meet the supervising staff member at Student Services at 5.55am. Students are to wear modest comfortable clothing.

Tuesday 13 June: Ms Newell will accompany Felicity Fletcher, Claire Kearney, Jemima Irvine and Siena Curcuruto

Rita's Longest Lunch Raffle - Sunday 11 June

Longest Lunch Raffle

There's still time to be a winner in the St Rita’s Longest Lunch Raffle! With a prize pool totalling over $5,500, you don’t have to be at the Longest Lunch to win. Prizes include a $1600 Miele coffee machine, homewares, electronics, vouchers for photography, beauty, restaurants and more

Click here for the full prize list and to purchase your tickets.

Proceeds will go towards acquiring music resources for the talented musicians of St Rita’s College. Good Luck and thanks for the support!

From the Library
Year 5 Literature Circles - The Transformative Power of Adventure Reading
Year 6 - Book Bentos
Primary Library Returns

Year 5 Literature Circles - The Transformative Power of Adventure Reading

This term, Year 5 students are participating in a Literature Circles project as part of their weekly library sessions. A Literature Circle is a reciprocal reading strategy, which is used to develop collaboration, and promote wider reading, higher order thinking, and deeper comprehension of texts. In essence, it is a student-directed conversation about literary texts akin to a book club (Simpson, 2014). The goals discussed with the students are; to enjoy reading together, read something you might not usually pick, understand the book more deeply by working with others, and develop group work skills.

The theme for this term’s project is Adventure Fiction. This genre invites us to embark on journeys of discovery by following along with characters who experience great personal development over the course of their quest. However great or small their obstacles, the protagonists of Adventure Fiction demonstrate important traits including courage, loyalty, and growth. These stories allow young readers to connect with characters who face their fears and overcome challenges.

For each meeting, students complete a different role, which encourages them to develop deeper connections with the text and to build their reading comprehension skills.

The four roles are:

  • Discussion Director: lead the discussion by creating two open-ended questions, and summarise the groups’ insights.
  • Super Summariser: summarise the most significant parts of the story.
  • Critical Connector: make one type of connection to the text; either text-to-text (does the story connect to another?), text-to-self (does the story or theme or person connect to the students’ own life?), or text-to-world (does the story connect to current events?).
  • Word Wizard: define one interesting or new word from the story and select one literary device or interesting sentence and explain the effect it had on the story.

It is important the students complete their assigned reading and role (using the worksheet in their orange Literature Circles journal) before meeting with their group to ensure active and worthwhile discussion. Students are encouraged to read for 20 minutes each night and their Literature Circles book provides the perfect opportunity for this.

So far, the Year 5 students have had three meetings with their Literature Circles group during their library sessions. The students are currently engaged in the thick of the action and are on their way toward the resolution. There has been lively discussion about the texts and lots of predictions made! In Week 9, during their final library session for the term, the students will create a 2-minute Book Review with their group and will have the opportunity to share that with the rest of their class.

We know many families are reading along with their children and are on the journey as well.

Literature Circles is always a highlight of our year with Primary and we are thrilled to share this experience with the Year 5 cohort.

Noni Harrison                                      Penny Waring
Head of Library                                   Teacher Librarian

Year 6 - Book Bentos

Books can be a mirror or a window to our world. Books that act as mirrors can reflect our image back, letting us re-examine moments, situations, or feelings. A window allows us to see the world with a different perspective, through a different person’s point of view, a different time, or circumstances.

Our year 6s were tasked with creating 'Book Bentos' around a book that they had chosen as their mirror or window. The challenge was to represent their book though images while staying within an A3 piece of paper. This is just a small sample of the amazing work they all produced.

Primary Library Returns

All primary students have a weekly library lesson for our recreational reading program. Year 5 and 6 students can borrow up to five books each per week. We encourage cyclical borrowing, which means students return their books once finished, so they can replace it with something new. They can return their books to the library any time – they do not need to wait for their library lesson. 

Outdoor Education
Year 6 Canberra Excursion

Year 6 Canberra Excursion

Our Year 6 Students have recently returned from their educational tour of the Nation's capital, Canberra.

Monday saw us with a very early 4.20am arrival time to Brisbane Domestic Airport. Upon arrival in Canberra, we headed straight to Jindabyne. On the way we stopped at the Snowy Hydro Discovery Centre to participate in the Power of Water educational program. When we arrived in Jindabyne, we went for a walk around the lake and visited the Strzelecki monument and learnt about the history of the naming of Mount Kosciuszko.

Tuesday we headed up to Thredbo for the morning. We rode Merritt's Gondola up to the viewing deck with an elevation of 1660m. This was the first time some of our students had seen snow, so they had a lot of fun building miniature snowmen and throwing snowballs. After this, we had a lot of fun riding the Alpine Bobsled. The rest of the afternoon was spent making the journey back to Canberra.

Wednesday to Friday, students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia's history, culture, heritage and democracy. Some highlights included the Australian War Memorial, Parliament House, National Electoral Education Centre, Museum of Australian Democracy, Questacon, Royal Australian Mint, National Museum of Australia, Australian Institute of Sport, Government House and the National Capital Authority.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government contributed funds of $90 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards these costs. The rebate will be paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion as this rebate was factored into our original budget of the trip.

The Year 6 Students should be commended for their behaviour on this trip. The phrase "they are the politest student we have ever had through here" was very common.

I would like to extend my sincere thank you to the staff who attended this trip - Ms Howard, Mrs Hukins, Ms Dawson, Mrs Skelton and Mr Robinson. These staff all went above and beyond to ensure that the students felt safe and supported throughout their time on this trip.

Additionally, St Rita’s College would like to thank Student Horizons for booking and managing this trip for us, including their on-the-ground operations team, Jamie and Elle.

If you would like to read the full story of our trip, you can access our blog here.

Music - Mr Craig Kennedy, Head of Cocurricular Music
State Honours Ensemble Program
Primary Lunch with Music Captains
Studio and Chamber Concerts
Upcoming Events in Term 2 and 3

State Honours Ensemble Program

Over the weekend 22 of our music students participated in the State Honours Ensemble Program South-East QLD 2023. Students are nominated by the school and then selected for entry into this program that brings together students to work in an intensive environment of musical excellence with their peers offering a unique opportunity to extend and develop their musical skills. Our students were involved in Wind Ensembles, String Ensembles, Vocal Ensembles and Guitar Ensembles led by a team of eminent conductors from Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University. We are sure that all participating students will have lots to share from their experience.

Primary Lunch with Music Captains

Last Friday our 6 Music Captains got together with many of our Primary musicians for a special lunch in Ballygriffin. It was great to see the Captains interacting and making connections with so many of our Year 5 and 6 musicians. After a bit of food and talking, the students were divided into Band, Strings and Choral for a little friendly rivalry in a Karaoke Competition. There was more than just singing with some special choralography also happening. There were lots of smiles and laughter had by all.

Studio and Chamber Concerts

It was great to see so many of our students performing solo at our recent Studio and Chamber Concerts. This is such an important opportunity for students to play with an accompanist in front of a supportive audience as it provides a very different experience than playing in a large ensemble. Throughout the afternoon there were over 200 student performances in concurrent concerts that provided approximately 14 hours of music. Congratulations to all performers and also a big thank you to the instrumental teachers for preparing each of the students so well. We look forward to seeing the progress of everyone at the next Studio Concert in Term 4.

Upcoming Events in Term 2 and 3

We would like to extend an invitation to anyone in our extended community to join us for any of our upcoming performances and events. For further details to see if there is something that may interest you, please follow this link:

Sport - Mr Joshua White, Director of Sport
CaSSSA Sport
Water Polo
Cross Country
Track & Field
Interhouse Track & Field
Touch BMTA
Volleyball Schools Cup
AFL Schools Cup

CaSSSA Sport

It has been a busy time for our CaSSSA Term sports, with our current term nearing finals, and trials happening last week for our Term 3 Sports. As we head into Round 7 fixtures this week, it has been fantastic to see the improvement in our junior players since the start of this term. Watching our Junior Volleyball players hit overheard serves with such strength, and our Touch players gaining confidence on the field is awesome to see. A huge thanks to our current students who are filling our referee allocations for Touch & Volleyball. If there is anyone who is interested in gaining their Level 1 Referee badge in any sports and working in our CaSSSA Wednesday afternoon sports as a referee, please email

Term 3 CaSSSA Sport

As communicated to all CaSSSA registrants via email, we have now added a compulsory final grading session on Wednesday 12 July for all Touch, Football and Basketball players to attend. Teams will then be announced ready for the first round of play the following week. Please ensure the correct uniform items stated in the Terms & Conditions online here are purchased ready for your Round 1 fixtures. 

Water Polo

The U13 QLD Squad and U14 State Teams have been announced! Many SRC athletes have been selected. Congratulations to all, it is a huge achievement and something to be very proud of. These athletes are travelling to Hobart (U13) and Melbourne (U14) in July.

U13 Athletes

Alexis Farrell and Sophie Moten.

U14 Athletes

Maroon Team: Abbey Crowe and Tara Williams

Gold Team: Bella Bolton and Natasha Winton

Navy Team: Lilly Houston

Good luck team and we can’t wait to see you represent SRC with pride at the respective National Championship events!


With Term 2 Development and Competitive programs in the last weeks, we look towards Term 3 and our preparation for both Knowles Cup and School Champs.

Students can find all Term 3 information on both the college app and MySRC (under Tennis).  Term 3 will see our development program enter a more structured gameplay model where students now equipped with the basic skills will learn how games work, scoring and prepare for school champs and ultimately 2024 Term 1 CaSSSA Tennis for the college.

Our competitive program is for students already playing competitive tennis, or development players ready to move up. The session prepare the players for the upcoming Knowles Cup competition as well as training for the School Champs in August. Sign-ups for both squads are open and can be accessed via this link Click Here

Cross Country

The CaSSSA Cross County was held on 25 May at Limestone Park.  Our team had a great day out with some amazing personal and team results. The day was closely fought with SRC holding the lead for over half the day.  A strong finish from both MSM and AHS College saw our team slip to 3rd place overall at the end of the day but by the narrowest of margins. We are so proud of all the runners on the day and will come back next year with high hopes of climbing back up the podium.

Thank you to all the coaches and staff who assisted with our program this year.

Track & Field

Our Track and Field athletes are training hard to begin competition next term. Sessions have been held on Thursday and Saturday this term at Nudgee College. Well done to those who have been attending, your hard work will be put to action next term. 

Please see the attached file to nominate for Term 3 Training, CaSSSA Lead-up Meets, Camp and Net North Trials.

Track & Field Training Information

Interhouse Track & Field

The Interhouse Track and Field Carnival is coming up next week. All information for this is now loaded to MySRC under Track and Field. Some key information is below to ensure you do not miss out.Nominations are only required for the following events

  • 1500m Track Run (Held Thursday 15 June)                 
  • 800m Track Run (Early event Friday 16 June)                  
  • High Jump (Early event Friday 16 June)

There are some events on the day that require a competency certificate sign-off. This can be completed by attending training and being assessed by our coaches, or for students training elsewhere an email from a certified Coach or HPE Teacher confirming competency in the event. These events are:

  • High Jump                 
  • Hurdles                  
  • Javelin

All remaining information is in the file below for Friday. A program and individual numbers for each student will be made available next week. 

Interhouse Track & Field Carnival Information

Touch BMTA

Season 1 BMTA Semi-Finals are here! Good Luck to our 15s team playing Semi-Finals and Congratulations to our Opens team on a fantastic, hard-fought Season 1.

Reminder Season 2 Club Touch Football information has been released. All families will be able to find all the information and registration forms via MySRC Notices and the College App. We are looking forward to another exciting Season of Touch Football.

Trials: Monday 19 June at Shaw Park, Shaw Road, Wooloowin. Times will vary pending on the division you have nominated for. 

Volleyball Schools Cup

Intermediate Schools Cup Volleyball

Congratulations to our Intermediate Schools Cup Volleyball team who took out the Division 2 Grand Final, taking it out two sets to one. Superb effort from all the players and coaching staff involved.

Special mention to Maddy Carr who won the Most Valuable Player award for Division Two! Well Done, Maddy!

Senior Schools Cup Volleyball
We now look ahead to our Senior Schools Cup Volleyball Team, who have begun training for the upcoming Tournament taking place on the first weekend in August. We wish the team all the best as they prepare for the Schools Cup Tournament.

AFL Schools Cup

Good Luck to our AFL Senior Schools Cup team. AFL Schools Cup is taking place Thursday 8 June at Coorparoo AFC competing against schools from across the region. We wish the team all the best!

Boutique EOFY Sale
Supporters Gear and School Uniforms

Supporters Gear and School Uniforms

Don't miss out on our exciting EOFY sale on supporters gear! Show your school spirit and get your hands on the merchandise at unbeatable prices! Click here to view the gear and place your order. There are also great deals on sale uniform items

Community Notices
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Next National School Reform Agreement
St Ignatius School Toowong - Celebrating 120 Years
TEEProject Survey

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

  • Year of Schooling
  • Category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
  • Level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

  • Formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
  • Consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
  • Develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy.

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal.

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school.

Click here to access the NCCD Fact Sheet for parents, guardians and carers.

Next National School Reform Agreement

The Australian Minister for Education is encouraging teachers, parents and students to complete a survey to inform the work of the Expert Panel Review for the next National School Reform Agreement.

The Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System (the Review) will make recommendations for Education Ministers to inform the next agreement to improve education outcomes in Australia and meet the current and future needs of students.

Survey participants can have their say on a range of issues including:

  • Improving education outcomes
  • Supporting student health and wellbeing, and
  • Supporting and retaining teachers.

The survey is available to complete here It will be open until Friday 23 June 2023.

The Expert Panel will use the results to help draft a consultation paper which will invite submissions from all stakeholders.

Results will also inform the development of recommendations for the final report, which will advise Education Ministers on what targets and reforms should be included in the next National School Reform Agreement.

Please take some time to complete the survey and have your say. 

St Ignatius School Toowong - Celebrating 120 Years

St Ignatius Toowong Parish invites all former students, families and staff of St Ignatius School Toowong to join them in celebrating 120 Years of Catholic education in the Toowong Parish. 

TEEProject Survey

Researchers from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and the University of Queensland, are running a survey to understand how teens (12-25 years) feel about environmental issues. One in every 10 young people who take the survey will be randomly chosen to win a $50 gift card. Parental consent is required for young people aged 12-15 years.

Visit the website to learn more: