Verbis - Term 3, Edition 1 2023 Verbis - Term 3, Edition 1 2023

20 July 2023

Year of Simplicity - Travelling Lightly

From our College Leadership Team
Principal - Mrs Dale Morrow
Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Maree Trims
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching, Mr Martin Lobb

Principal - Mrs Dale Morrow

Dear Parents/Carers 

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”  Anais Nin

A very important aspect of what we offer your daughters at St Rita’s is the chance, in their senior years, to participate in immersion and study programs. These past few weeks of holiday time have seen a good number of our students travel to different communities to experience a life very different to ours. We had three groups of girls each travelling to a different location, those being; Phnom Penh and Siem Reap in Cambodia; Europe covering a number of countries and New York in the United States. By all accounts, the trips have made a huge impression on all participants and there is no doubting that for all the girls who went on these trips their world is now changed forever whether they realise it or not. As Anais Nin implies in the above quote, simply by opening ourselves to meeting new people in a way that offers friendship to others, we are introduced into aspects of our own self that we hitherto were unaware, and that is something to be grateful for.

It has been wonderful to read the blogs where the girls have written about their experiences. It is certainly true of the immersions that the girls encountered a lifestyle that challenged their own position of privilege. For many of us we become very comfortable and sometimes forget that for the vast majority of the world population have difficulty surviving yet alone prospering. In Cambodia the girls visited a school for disabled children. They worked hard at the school by completing gardening tasks in bush like conditions and then delivered lessons to the students. They also spent some time getting to know the students through play based activities. The girls also learnt about a culture where education is a privilege and disadvantage is particularly acute for disable people. They saw an environment where people cared enough to provide opportunities for these children. Once you visit this school you will never forget the generosity of the welcome and the gentleness of the people. As the girls moved North to Siem Reap they engaged in a program in more remote areas. We can understand why we need to share our resources and by coming face to face with these families it teaches us about ourselves and our willingness to really take on the message of Jesus from Matthew 25: 35-36

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

Every other trip had special moments and taught the girls and staff as much about themselves as it did about other traditions and cultures. Anything that leads to a greater understanding and a kinder more tolerant world is worthwhile.

The other aspect of these travels that came to my mind was the gratitude and relief the family of the girls no doubt felt as they welcomed their loved one home at the airport. Most of us, I would say, at some point in our lives have been out at the airport to pick up a family member who is returning from overseas. Thus, you would be familiar with the routine of standing expectantly in front of those automatic doors which continually slide open and then shut as weary travellers emerge looking anxiously around to see who was there to greet them. For those waiting outside, every opening of the door brings a heightened sense that the next person through must be that loved one you are anxious to see, safe and sound once more, in the safety of family. 

We do know that having someone dear to us leave us for a while “does make the heart grow fonder”, as they say, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep the importance of our relationships to the fore in all our day to day dealing with others? It does us well at times to stop and reflect on how important our loved ones and friends are to us, and to realise that they are what makes our life meaningful. I would like to finish by wishing every student a great start to Semester 2 and encourage her to give of her best and to develop her character as she engages with the opportunities offered at the College.

God bless

Mrs Dale Morrow

College Updates

My sincere congratulations to Mrs Trims on her appointment as College Principal from 2024. Mrs Trims is a highly experienced educator and administrator. Her commitment to the Presentation charism and to students and families will be confirmed even further in this role. I am grateful to know that the legacy of the Sisters and St Rita’s College is in good hands. I pray for her continued success as she leads this great community over the coming decade in the way of Jesus and Venerable Nano Nagle. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Chair of the Board , Mr Graham McManus, for taking a leading role in the rigorous recruitment process which was undertaken.  

Thank you to the Staff who accompanied the Immersions and study tours over the holiday period. Without such generosity these trips would not be possible. It certainly highlights the commitment of staff to supporting a holistic education for our students.   

The College Open Day was a great success with approximately 1500 registrations. It was a privilege to welcome so many young families to our campus. I am always grateful for the wonderful support offered by so many students to run tours and assist in displays. Their generosity is extraordinary and their ability to speak about their experiences at the College is wonderful. I would also like to thank the parents who also provided a parent voice and offered hospitality to prospective families. 

Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Maree Trims

2024 Subject Selections

The following table is a summary of the important subject selection information for selecting subjects for 2024.

Year Level

Subject Selection Evening

Subject Selection email Sent to Students

Due date for Subject Selections

Year 8 2024 (Arts & Language elective)


Monday 11 September at 6.00pm via zoom

Saturday 7 October at 7.00am


Friday 13 October at 3.00pm


Year 9 2024

(Elective subjects)

Monday 24 July at 6.00pm via zoom.

Saturday 29 July at 7.00am


Friday 4 August at 3.00pm


Year 10 2024

Monday 24 July at 7.00pm via zoom.

Saturday 29 July at 7.00am

Friday 4 August at 3.00pm


Year 11 2024


Saturday 22 July at 7.00am

Monday 31 July at 3.00pm

Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching, Mr Martin Lobb

NAPLAN Results 2023

Individual student NAPLAN results are expected to arrive in schools in mid – late July. The College receives them first, on your behalf, and then we post them out to all relevant Year 5, 7 and 9 families.

It is very important to note that NAPLAN results will be not appear as they have before. While the changes are explained in the communication from ACARA (below), the changes can be summarised as:

  • The 10-point scale has been replaced by a 4-point scale.
  • The 4-point scale measures the level a student has achieved in the NAPLAN test and is reported as:
    • Needs additional support
    • Developing
    • Strong
    • Exceeding
  • The report will show each student’s achievement against the national average.
  • You cannot compare this year’s NAPLAN reports with previous year’s reports.

If you have any questions regarding the release of this year’s results or the new reporting standards, please contact me at

Click here for further information

Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence

At this week’s assembly, students were made aware of the College’s stance regarding the use of AI in the production of student work. While we acknowledge that the AI tools available open enormous possibilities in teaching and learning, our expectations, regarding the authenticity of student work, have not changed.

Students were instructed that the following actions would be considered examples of breaches of Academic Integrity:

  • Taking the words generated from an AI text and passing them off as your own for drafts or final submissions.
  • Replacing some words from an AI text with your own.
  • Using AI to write parts or all your assignments.
  • Using AI paraphrasing tools to ‘wash’ an AI written text.

The inappropriate use of AI is also now reflected in our College Assessment Guidelines, as outlined below:

In assessment tasks, where there is clear evidence of plagiarism, where substantial parts of the task drawn are from unacknowledged sources, Artificial Intelligence (AI), agents or completed by someone other than the student, then the student may be faced with academic dishonesty and one of the following will occur: 

  • If plagiarism and/or the inappropriate use of AI is clearly evident throughout the assessment task then the work may be considered a non- submission, which means that the student may have insufficient assessment to be granted credit for the semester/unit of work. 
  • If plagiarism and/or the inappropriate use of AI has only occurred in some sections of the assessment task, these sections may not be graded. 
  • The final grade may be based only on the sections of the assignment, which were the student’s authentic work. A notation advising of plagiarism and/or the inappropriate use of AI will be provided to parents/carers by the subject teacher or Head of Faculty and will be noted to the respective response and/or ISMG.
  • Students may be given a set amount of time to reproduce the task or sections of the task, to substantiate authenticity. 
  • Students who submit plagiarised work and/or tasks with the inappropriate use of AI will be required to attend an afternoon Academic Integrity Meeting (AIM) in the library. 

Students who have plagiarised and/or used AI inappropriately in Years 10 and 11 may not be eligible for a leadership position within the College.

Primary Years News
Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard
Primary Chess Club
Mini Vinnies - Winter Appeal
Learner Quality Awards

Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard

Our Primary students have made a wonderful start to Term 3. A sincere thank you to the Year 6 students who volunteered their time to assist with College Tours last Friday at Open Day. We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 cohort and it was lovely to have so many student voices sharing their experiences with new and interested families. They were articulate, engaging and confident tour guides and were excellent representatives of our College. We look forward to our second semester as a full cohort in the Primary Years!

Primary Chess Club

Our Primary Chess Club starts next Monday afternoon and we are excited to be providing this opportunity for our youngest students. With a Chess Coach facilitating the sessions, students will gain confidence in their ability and foster a love of chess. We are excited to be providing this opportunity for our Primary girls as research has proven that playing chess can strengthen problem solving skills, foster critical, creative and original thinking, teach logical and sequential thinking and demonstrate the importance of decision-making and consequences.

Mini Vinnies - Winter Appeal

Our Mini Vinnies are getting ready for our Winter Appeal. Made up of dedicated Year 5 and Year 6 students, our Mini Vinnies will be collecting donations to help keep those less fortunate warm and fed during the colder months. In their own words, "our aim is to get as many donations as possible to keep people warm with clothes so they feel comfortable and healthy with non-perishable food so they are not hungry." Further information will be sent to Primary families in the next few weeks.

Learner Quality Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received Learner Quality Awards this week:

Michaylah Thom, Ava Hardingham, Jessica Walker, Sophie Mitchell, Rosemary McDonald, Navita Shaiju, Imogen Martens-Edridge, Summer Jackson, Addison Weir, Mia Conroy, Matilda Woolmer.

Faculty News
Study Skills - Ms Amanda Wallas, Head of Study Skills

Study Skills - Ms Amanda Wallas, Head of Study Skills

The start of term is a fresh opportunity for all of us in the St Rita’s community to reflect on the successes and challenges of last term, and to implement some strategies for ensuring the next ten weeks are productive and balanced.

For our students, this means considering what they would like to achieve over the course of the term and putting in place key behaviour patterns that are conducive to both their well-being and their academic success, which are, of course, interdependent. 

I encourage you to engage in a dialogue with your daughter to help her with this; here are some questions you may like to ask her to help put in place some regular home study practices.

  • Do you have a clear, specific, measurable, action-based, realistic, and timed (by the end of term) GOAL for each subject?
  • Have you written these goals out and placed them somewhere you can look at them every time you study (for example, on a pinboard above their desk)?
  • Do you have a clear Home Study Plan for each night of the week, based around any extra-curricular activities (these must be entered first)?
  • Have you set up your Assessment Calendar for the term, entering all checkpoints for each assessment?
  • Are both of these printed out and placed somewhere on a wall where you can see them next to your goals?

In addition, it is helpful for students to have

  • a strict personal screen time policy, including an “electronic sundown,” which means turning off all screens half an hour before sleep time
  • a regular exercise routine (Walking is fine! It doesn’t have to involve an expensive gym membership)
  • a balance between paid work (for senior students) extra-curricular activities, family time, social time, and study time.

If your daughter would like help with any of these, please encourage her to email me to set up a meeting so that I can offer her some coaching.

If you have any questions relating to Study Skills at St. Rita’s College, please feel free to email

From the Library
Year 5 Reading Ladders

Year 5 Reading Ladders

Reading Ladders: Building Identity

Positive reading identities develop positive reading abilities (Hall, 2012).

During library lessons this term, each Year 5 student will further explore their reading identity. Reading identity is comprised of three elements: attitude toward reading, reading habits, and reading choices. To develop a meaningful reader identity, children are encouraged to reflect, discuss and set open goals based on these elements.

In the first two weeks of this term, the Year 5 students explored the concept of reading identity and compared it to fingerprints. They used deep thinking skills and collaborative discussion to come to the conclusion that each person has individual reading preferences in the same way that they all have distinct fingerprints – they are unique and special to them. There were lots of “a-ha” moments, so minds were certainly at work.

Being a reader – someone who chooses to read – enhances children’s success in and beyond school (Barone & Barone, 2016). Crucially, children need time to read, wide choices including fiction and non-fiction text types, permission and encouragement to self-select, and opportunities to share their thoughts and feelings about texts. When children articulate why they like or dislike a text, they also build their self-awareness. These practises enable young people to “find their voices and engage with texts in ways that are meaningful to them” (Hall, 2012, p. 370).

We are already seeing, this term, an increase in students’ confidence to self-select, their willingness to borrow widely and their eagerness to try new books. This comes with an increased familiarity with the collection, increased sharing of peer-to-peer recommendations, and personal growth.

This term, our Year 5 students will use a Reading Ladder to keep a record of the books they both finish and abandon. They may include any books read over the term including fiction and non-fiction, books from home and books borrowed from school. This approach enables students to clearly reflect on their reading attitude, habits, and choices. The focus will not be on volume or level, rather it will invite students to consider their ‘reading diet’ and how they can ‘expand their palate’.

The students’ Reading Ladders will be kept in the library, and they will add to their record during their library lesson each week. At the end of the term, students will review their Reading Ladder, reflect on their developing reading identity, and set a goal to challenge their reading in Term 4.


Barone, D., & Barone, R. (2016). Are you a reader? 5th graders respond. The Phi Delta Kappan, 98(2), 47-51.

Hall, L. A. (2012). Reading identities: Creating spaces for students and teacher to challenge the norms of what it means to be a reader in school. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(5), 368-373.

Student Initiatives - Your Opportunity To Help
Cancer Council Ponytail Project
School Satchel Care Packs

Cancer Council Ponytail Project

Our annual Ponytail Project is fast approaching, and we are excited to see our St Rita's students 'rock the chop' in support of the Cancer Council.

The ‘big chop’ event will take place next term on Friday 25 August and every ponytail chopped will make a difference to the lives of people affected by cancer. 

This project empowers people all over Australia and within our school community to make a direct difference as all chopped hair is used to make wigs for cancer patients and all monetary donations fund life-changing research and support communities going through their cancer journey.

In our year of simplicity, this is an amazing opportunity to give back to the community and we appreciate all donations to this worthy cause:

Thank you very much! 

Ava, Rachel and Taya

School Satchel Care Packs

In our year of Simplicity, we are recycling our old school satchels to create care packs for women and children experiencing homelessness due to domestic violence. To fill these satchels, we would greatly appreciate your donation of essential items and care products listed below. Please deliver your donations to Student Services.

Open Day 2023
Open Day Recap

Open Day Recap

It was wonderful to open our doors to so many families and alumnae looking to experience St Rita’s College at our recent Open Day. Our visitors enjoyed displays, activities, performances and tours, meeting our staff and students along the way. 

 We hope to welcome many of these visitors back to St Rita’s College as members of our community in the near future. Thank you to all staff, students, parent support groups and families who helped to make it such a fantastic day.

Music - Mr Craig Kennedy, Head of Cocurricular Music
State Honours Ensemble Program Brisbane
Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival
Music Gala
Upcoming Events in Term 3

State Honours Ensemble Program Brisbane

During the last weekend of the holidays, nine of our music students participated in the State Honours Ensemble Program Brisbane 2023. Students are nominated by the school and then selected for entry into this program that brings together students to work in an intensive environment of musical excellence with their peers offering a unique opportunity to extend and develop their musical skills. Our students were involved in Wind Ensembles, String Ensembles, Vocal Ensembles and Guitar Ensembles led by a team of eminent conductors from Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University. Congratulations to all students who have participated in a SHEP program so far this year. Your involvement in these and willingness to return to the College and share your experiences make an invaluable contribution to all the students in the Music program.

Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival

In the third week of August from Thursday 17 to Sunday 20, 16 of our ensembles will perform as part of one of the largest school music festivals in Australia. Our students will perform at Villanova College and St James Church and School amongst thousands of musicians from Catholic schools within Queensland and interstate. Performance details have been posted on the College App with further links to the Event Memo, QCMF Key Information Brochure and a Festival Map. We look forward to all ensembles presenting their best possible performance at the festival. Students and families are also very welcome to attend and support other ensemble performances over the festival weekend and join the QCMF community for Mass on Sunday 20 August at 7:30am in Goold Hall, Villanova College.

Music Gala

On Saturday 9 September all College ensembles will perform in the Music program’s major concert for the year, Music Gala. This is a wonderful musical moveable feast which will start with multiple concerts in Eirene from 2:30pm, then move to Cove Lane for some Jazz performances and finally into Trinity Auditorium for the Gala Showcase Concert at 7.00pm featuring some of our most advanced ensembles. The finale performance in the Showcase Concert will bring together the Symphony Orchestra and Choirs and is a great way to end an amazing day of music.

Throughout the afternoon the Music Support Group will be running a BBQ and bar so there will be ample opportunity for parents to get involved and help to make the Gala a special celebratory occasion. Further performance details and a sign-up list asking for parent helpers will be sent out next week. The Music Support Group has also put a call out for Music Gala raffle donations which can be brought in before Friday 25 August. Please see the published App notification for more details on raffle donations.

Upcoming Events in Term 3

We would like to extend an invitation to anyone in our extended community to join us for any of our upcoming performances and events. You would be most welcome. For further details to see if there is something that may interest you, please follow this link:

Sport - Mr Joshua White, Director of Sport
Touch Football
Strength and Conditioning
Athletics, Track and Field Camp
Sports Excellence Program
Water Polo

Touch Football

Season 2 BMTA

Welcome back to our current and new St Rita’s College Club Touch Football families for Season 2 BMTA. We are looking forward to another exciting Season of Touch Football. As St Rita’s College Club Touch Football is the main focus of the Touch Football program pathway here at St Rita’s College, we are excited to continue to provide students with the opportunity to play within this competition. Training has already begun with grading games taking place in two weeks. The Sports Department would like to wish all players involved the best of luck for the upcoming season.

Junior State Cup

A huge congratulations to the students below who competed at the recent QLD Touch Junior State Cup, which took place in Rockhampton. The student's representative their respective teams for Brothers Touch.

  • U18’s - Chelsea Hopsick (11), Lily Parker (10). Made it to quarter finals. Came 4th in State.
  • U14A’s - Alice Burns (8), Mia Macdermott (8), Eve Burns (8), Olivia Bowman (8), Milla Fogg (8), Evie Trubai (8). Championship Cup (Division A) Placed 15th in State.
  • U14B’s - Jorja Taylor (8) and Eva Kearney (7). In the Challenge Cup (Division B) placed 9th in division.
  • U12A’s and 12B’s- Audrey Hyland (7), Arabella Pozzebon (5), Esther Green (6) and Harper Fogg (6). Played in Division B and came 11th and 12th.


Tennis is buzzing at the College; the program has evolved this year to run as a year-round program. Under the watchful eye of Head Coach John James both competitive and Development pathways are unlocking enormous potential for the SRC Tennis. This term will see both programs focus on learning the game structure with the hope of as many students competing at the college champions come Saturday 26 August.

The competitive program is gearing up for the defence of the Knowles Cup in Term 4, where the College has enjoyed several years as champions. For any players that are not involved in our Term based program the opportunity to trial to continue this sporting success will be announced soon.

Strength and Conditioning

Welcome back to Strength and Conditioning for Term 3. It has been great to see our S&C students jump into the new programs and exercises in the gym with a lot of enthusiasm.

Everyone has done extremely well trying new exercises, listening and applying feedback, with many students surprising themselves with how strong and capable you are when trying new things. I’m excited to continue building on this with all of you in Term 3.

Session registers will be finalised this week and students are asked to check their emails and reach out to Ms Maddy Clarke if they are registered in a session they aren’t attending.

Athletics, Track and Field Camp

The SRC Track and Field girls have been working hard at training over the holiday break. The lead up meets are beginning on Friday of Week 1. With only four meets available before the CaSSSA carnival on Monday 14 August, these meets are important preparation, with athletes highly encouraged to attend as many as possible. Also girls please note that MET north nominations have now closed and no late applications will be allowed. It is important for everyone to please make sure correct St Rita's representative uniforms are worn for meets. It is still not too late to come train if you would still like to be selected for the CASSSA squad.

On the last weekend of holidays, the St Rita’s Track and Field team headed up to Alexandra Headlands for our annual camp. Over three days, the girls trained hard, set goals and danced their hearts out at Zumba! Everyone also got competitive with some mini Olympics activities and handicapped sprint races down on the beach, with Stella Kay taking out this year’s SRC gift. A big thanks to Mr White, Mr Kropp, Ms Winburn and the coaching staff for their organisation and support over the weekend.

Sports Excellence Program

Our Sports Excellence Program is specifically tailored to equip emerging athletes with the tools they need to succeed. We focus on various aspects such as strength and conditioning, leadership development, sports nutrition, sports psychology, technology in sports, and effective recovery techniques.

In collaboration with RDK Sports International, we recently hosted an amazing camp that was a huge success. We were honored to have guest speakers from renowned Olympic, Commonwealth, and World Championships Teams. They covered fascinating topics like body positivity in sports, resilience and employment opportunities in the sports industry.

Our distinguished line-up of speakers included:

• Harriet Brown (Surf Ironwoman)

• Gabby Jackson (Triathlon)

• Chris Haddock (Sports Psychology)

• Tay Smith (AFL)

• Jenna Strauch (Swimming)

• Amy Ford (Hope Island 7 Day Amcal)

• Clinton Marama (Gold Coast Titans)

Their insights were truly inspiring leaving our girls motivated and eager to take their athletic journey to new heights!


We had a great start to Club Netball on Saturday with all teams putting in a great effort.

Trials for our Vicki Wilson Primary Schools Cup team were held on Thursday 13 July and what a talented bunch of players we had, the selectors had a tough time choosing the final team. The VW Primary Cup Carnival will be held in September at the Gold Coast Hinterland, an exciting adventure for our primary school netballers.

Sign ups are now open for Y7 and Y8 for the Term 4 CaSSSA competition, so jump on to the app or MySRC to register, sign ups close on 18th August.

Vicki Wilson Cup finals for our Senior team will be held early August and our team is training hard, keep up the good work girls.

Congratulations to Gemma Hutchings who will travel to Trinbago to represent Australia in the Fast 5s Netball Team at the Commonwealth Youth Games in early August. A well deserved reward for a lot of hard work, we wish you all the best Gemma.

Water Polo

U14 National Tournament

Congratulations to the following students that competed at the East Coast Challenge tournament over the holidays in Melbourne.

Maroon Team: Abbey Crowe and Tara Williams – 1st place

Gold Team: Bella Bolton and Natasha Winton – 2nd place

Navy Team: Lily Houston – 6th place

The students did a fantastic job representing our state and school. We are very proud of all of you for your hard work and dedication.

U13 National Tournament

Congratulations to Sophie Moten and Alexis Farrell who represented QLD in Hobart over the holidays. The National Development Carnival was a great water polo tournament and terrific chance for Sophie and Alexis to compete against athletes from all around the country.

The following girls have been selected into the u17 2023 State Development Program:

  • Arabella Templeton
  • Caitlin Elder
  • Emma Williams
  • Isabelle Langestraat
  • Jemima Irvine
  • Lucy Aggs
  • Matilda Morrow
  • Mia Hollyman
  • Prue Dixon
  • Tilly Hughes

This is a Talent ID Squad, from which QLD Teams will be selected to compete at the National Championships in September held at the AIS in Canberra. We wish you all the best of luck for your preparation and selection for the Queensland team.

Summer Season Water Polo

Summer trials are to be held the first two weekends of August. 

Please click here to register for the summer season and for further information and details. Registrations close Wednesday 2 August at 5.00pm. No late nominations can be considered, due to time constraints preparing for trials.

Please email with any enquiries you may have. 

Important Dates
Upcoming Dates to Note

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • Thursday 20 July - Academic Assembly / SET Plan + VETiS Meetings
  • Friday 21 July - Arts Showcase / SET Plan + VETiS Meeting
  • Saturday 22 July - Year 11 2024 Subject Selection Preferences Email
  • Monday 24 July - Year 12: Shake & Stir-Hamlet
  • Tuesday 25 July - Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews
  • Thursday 27 July - Year 7 Retreat
  • Friday 28 July - Year 8 Retreat
  • Saturday 29 July - Year 9 and Year 10 2024 Subject Selection Preferences Email
  • Monday 31 July - Year 11 2024 Subject Selection Preferences Due
  • Wednesday 2 August - SRC/Nudgee Shared Parent Evening
  • Friday 4 August - Year 9 and Year 10 2024 Subject Selection Preferences Due
  • Monday 7 August - Term 3 School Photos
  • Tuesday 8 August - Marian House Colour Day
  • Wednesday 9 August - Year 10 Drama: Mamma Mia at QPAC
  • Monday 14 August - CaSSSA Interschool Track & Field
  • Wednesday 16 August - Exhibition Holiday
  • Friday 18 August - Rosa: 'Say No to Bullying Day'
  • Saturday 19 August - St Rita's College P&F Raffle
  • Monday 21 August - RYDA Year 10
  • Tuesday 22 August - Collins Fundraiser Day
  • Thursday 24 August - 2024 College Captains announced during House Group
  • Friday 25 August - Senior Careers Breakfast (Years 11 & 12)
  • Tuesday 29 August - SRC/Nudgee Year 9 Social Evening
  • Wednesday 30 August - Father/Daughter Breakfast
  • Thursday 31 August - Nagle Thrifty Thursday
Upcoming Events
St Rita's College & Nudgee College Parent Evening - Melinda Tankard Reist and Daniel Principe
St Rita's College P&F Raffle - One month to go!
Service Rosters

St Rita's College & Nudgee College Parent Evening - Melinda Tankard Reist and Daniel Principe

Parent Information Evening
Presentations by Melinda Tankard Reist and Daniel Principe
Wednesday 2 August
5.30pm - 7.00pm
Trinity Auditorium, St Rita's College

Melinda Tankard Reist and Daniel Principe will present about the reality of the pervasive and influential impact of general media, social media and the much talked about concerns around consent for adolescents today. They draw on current global literature, will look at entrenched stereotypes and the commercialised messages that are impacting adolescents in their formative years. They will also offer practical tips and reference resources to support parents/carers.

Click here for further details and to register your interest.

St Rita's College P&F Raffle - One month to go!

Get ready to make your daughter’s first car dreams come true!

St Rita's College P&F Association presents its major fundraising event for 2023!

With under a month to go, enter our Car Raffle and leave the worry of buying your daughter's first car to us. With a focus on safety and reliability, we are here to ensure her smooth ride into independence. Ticket prices are low at $50 but the stakes are high, with only 2,000 tickets available. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity.

Click the link below for more details and to purchase your ticket today!

Service Rosters

Big Brekky

Students are to meet the supervising staff member at Student Services at 5:55am. Students are to wear modest comfortable clothing.

Tuesday 25 July: Mrs Siddiqui will accompany Charlotte Lewis, Emma Black, Steph Moody and Poppy Fellowes

Tuesday 1 August: Ms Ruttin will accompany Emma Hibberson, Hannah Cauchi, Sinead Rowe and Grace Gordon

Tuesday 8 August: Mr Guthrie will accompany Greta Larman, Jessica Knight, Alexia Ziegenfuss and Madison Grundie

Homework Club

Students will meet their supervising staff member in classrooms S07 and S08 after school.

Tuesday 1 August: Amelie Disney, Grace Mulligan and Makayla Wiltshire

Tuesday 8 August: Amara Ramdath, Sarah Thambiran, Lucy Thomsen and Izzy Langestraat

Tuesday 15 August: Sofia Kuc, Charlotte Barr, Claire Meekin and Olivia Sim

Community Notices
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
TEEProject Survey
Holy Cross School Festival, Sunday 23 July
Oriana Presents "Beneath the Southern Cross"
Karate Life Skills Free Trial

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

TEEProject Survey

Visit the website to learn more:

Holy Cross School Festival, Sunday 23 July

St Rita's community is invited to join the Holy Cross Festival on 23 July 2023.

Order your ride passes and raffle tickets 

Oriana Presents "Beneath the Southern Cross"

From ‘Georgie Girl’ to ‘You’re the Voice’, acclaimed Sunshine Coast ensemble, Oriana Choir, will present a celebration of Australian music from across the decades at 2.00pm on Sunday 13 August at the Trinity Centre, St Rita’s College, Clayfield and at 2.00pm on Sunday 20 August at Stella Maris Catholic Primary School, Maroochydore.

For more details and to book your seats for either concert visit

Karate Life Skills Free Trial

Australian Goju Kai Karate (AGKK) is a community Karate Club that aims to help people in the local Brisbane Community. AGKK prepares positive, resilient students for the challenges of today & tomorrow. 

These purposeful Martial Arts lessons are a great way for kids, adults & families to advance life skills in an inclusive, fun, safe, experienced and structured environment. 

Click here for further details.