Verbis - Term 3, Edition 2 2023 Verbis - Term 3, Edition 2 2023

3 August 2023

Year of Simplicity - Travelling Lightly

From our College Leadership Team
Principal - Mrs Dale Morrow
Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Maree Trims
Assistant Principal - Mission, Mrs Erica Qureshi

Principal - Mrs Dale Morrow

Dear Parents and Guardians

As we complete Week 4 of Term 3, I am always stunned by how much we fit into the time we have at school. There have been several retreats and well-being days for Year 7, 8 and 9. These days provide an opportunity for students to step away from the everyday and consider their own character development. The age-old tradition of retreat is one we acknowledge as having great benefit for human development. The retreats concentrate on firstly looking at ourselves and growing in an understanding of who we are and then looking outside ourselves to evaluate how we interreact in the world. There is so much pressure on young people today to conform to norms (all played out on social media) that I think it is more important than ever to be critical thinkers and to provide opportunity for self-reflection within our Catholic tradition. How we treat others is fundamental in understanding who we wish to become. Without kindness and acceptance, we can become "hard" and "uncaring". As a Catholic community we strive to be inclusive and non-judgmental of all. I often think of the passage from John's gospel (8.7) which asks, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone at her. "I hope we can continue to build a community based on Jesus' messages of love and acceptance.

The Year 11 Leadership days were held last week and represent an important part of the students' journey through St Rita's College. The first day is spent looking at what is meant by leadership and the many ways leadership is played out in society. Our view of leadership is based on the tradition of the Presentation Sisters which sees leadership as service. This style of leadership is not common in the commercial world, but it is a fundamental tenant for leadership in a Catholic school. Anyone who strives for leadership for power or ego will not be able to serve the people or the organisation they lead. Our motto' "Virtute Non Verbis" calls leaders to action - as we know action speaks louder than words. I see this type of leadership in action not only from our elected leaders but from the majority of Year 12 students year on year. This commitment to others outside of ourselves and your own small circle of friends encourages us to lead with integrity. This leadership is displayed in the way the Year 12 students act as big sisters to the Year 7 students, the ministries that they fundraise for, the well-being projects they run and the awareness they bring to our community and our world. I never underestimate the goodness of our students and families, and I look forward to hearing of the initiatives that our current Year 11 students will bring to fruition in 2024.

I would also like to recognise the work of Ms Allen in organising and promoting the interactions with Nudgee students in the middle years of schooling. It has been wonderful to see such positive and wholesome interaction between the boys and girls as they navigate many of the toxic messages that they are exposed to at an early age, particularly in relation to topics such as consent and pornography as an influence on relationships. By building relationships we build understanding and hopefully an appreciation of the rights and feelings of those with whom we interreact.  

Last week saw the Year 10 students select subjects for senior. It was pleasing to see the new subject offerings being embraced by many. Whilst carrying out the SET planning process it was uplifting to see many families and students have a wellbeing conversation about senior. At St Rita's College we have many students who wish to strive for a high ATAR but it is important to realise that at the basis of any decision has to be a consideration of the welfare of the student. The SET planning process aims to provide information which will assist students and families to make a choice, with full information on weightings, subjects and workload. Once these variables are understood an informed decision can be made with all variables accounted for. Thank you to all the families who took the time to engage with staff and your daughter through this process. 

God bless.

Dale Morrow

Congratulations to:

  • Sophie Duffy, Year 10 who was selected as one of Queensland’s delegates to the National Schools Constitutional Convention in Canberra next year.
  • Rosa House for being selected as the House to initiate the Sudsy challenge nationwide
  • Our School and Vice Captains for organising the care packs over the past term.
  • Samantha Raymond and Samantha Conias, Year 10 who won the team challenge at the Brain Bee State finals in a team alongside two boys from QASMT. Both girls scored in the top 10 for the individual final and Sammi Conias came 1st! This means she will be representing Queensland in the Australian Competition in December.

Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Maree Trims

Senior Exams

Year 12 students will participate in their Trial External Exams from Monday 28 August through to Friday 8 September, including Friday 1 September. The trial exams allow students to practice their exams under similar conditions and determine what knowledge they still need to learn prior to the External Assessments in October. 

Year 8 2024 Arts and Language Subject Selection

Year 7 students will need to select one language and one Arts subject to study for the duration of Year 8. The parent and student information session is on Monday 11 September at 6.00pm via Zoom. Following the information session, students will be able to join individual subject zoom sessions for The Arts and Languages. Students will need to make their selection early in Term 4, when they have had some more time to experience their third elective.

Changes to 2024 Subject Selections

Students in Year 8, 9 and 10 who have submitted their subject selections for 2024 and want to make a change need to submit a Change to 2024 Subject Selection Form. The form is located on MySRC under Parents/Curriculum and then Junior Schooling (Years 7 – 9) or Senior Schooling (Years 10 – 12).The form must be submitted to Mrs Sax-Wood. 

As the timetable is currently undergoing construction, these forms are not processed until late November and can have issues with stationery orders. Changes are processed based on the date they are received.

Change requests made after students submit their online subject selections can not be guaranteed as the timetable is currently being constructed based on selections already made.

Assistant Principal - Mission, Mrs Erica Qureshi

Catholic Education

This month, we celebrate Catholic Education. Over two hundred years ago the first official Catholic school opened in Australia. Catholic schools have long held that education should be directed not just towards personal enrichment for the individual student but also to community contribution, a message that we know all too well here at St Rita’s. Pope Francis has made comment that schooling is a right for all children and that a good education can make an enormous difference in the lives of young people, setting them up for life.

In last Sunday’s First Reading, we heard of Solomon’s desire for understanding, wisdom and discerning judgement, and a heart wise and shrewd as none before him. This is beautifully echoed in the theme of this year’s Catholic Education Week, Communities of Faith, Hope and Love which encourages us all to make a difference in the lives of those around us - in our schools and in the wider community - by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.

This very message is something that we celebrated at this week’s assembly. We heard of the work of Orange Sky and Drought Angels, our Symphony orchestra played, SHEP students were acknowledged, the QCMF countdown began, our College Captains’ recognised remarkable community contributors, Atomi Japanese Students expressed their gratitude, Rita’s Rights implored us to bring in old mobile phones for victims of domestic violence, each of the overseas trips shared the incredible journeys they undertook these last holidays and our Vicki Wilson Cup netball team was announced. Our hope is that our students have discovered that much of our life is about where we place our priorities. It is about who or, in some cases, what we place as central in our lives. It is about how we invest our lives and use the gifts that God has given us. It is about how we fundamentally align our lives – either towards ourselves and our passing desires or towards compassion for our neighbour, sharing our talents and actioning God’s mission for the world.

We strive always at St Rita’s to offer an education in human solidarity and Christian fraternity and make it possible for each human being to shape their own future through action. 

Primary Years News
Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard
Primary Awards
Set for Seven - Year 7 2024 Orientation Program
Primary Debating
Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal

Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard

At our recent Primary Assembly, Mrs Morrow presented the new House Representatives with their Primary Leader badges. We are excited to have 16 newly elected leaders guiding our Primary Years in Semester 2. 

Collins - Ava B and Millicent H

Nagle - Ashvi R and Leilani D

Marian - Imogen M-E and Marley G

Kildare - Willa K and Mia M

Cascian - Namya B and Olivia B

Rosa - Georgia G and Gabrielle L

Xaverian - Sasha F and Grace B

Hogan - Charlotte P and Charlotte M

We were very impressed by the quality and quantity of our candidates for our House Representative roles. Our entire Year 6 cohort continue to shine as leaders, going one pace beyond in ensuring all Primary students are supported and encouraged. 

Primary Awards

Congratulations to the following recipients of Pillar Awards and Learner Quality Awards.

Pillar Awards: Bella F, Grazie P, Kristina B, Harper F, Sasha F, Hannah M, Heidi J, Leilani D, Georgia C, Emily R, Patrice S, Ava B, Alexandra T, Molly M, Piper K, Tahlia S, Addison W, Eva M, Paige C, Eona W, Alyssa R, Emilia H, Audrey M.

Learner Quality Awards: Mikayla M, Charlotte O, Millie F, Alfia C, Savannah D, Niko F, Ciara D, Lily B, Havanah G, Eve M, Willa K.

Set for Seven - Year 7 2024 Orientation Program

Recently all Year 7 2024 families received an email detailing our Set for Seven Orientation program to prepare Year 6 students for their entry into Year 7 at St Rita's College.

All Year 7 2024 students and families (including our continuing Year 6 student and families) are required to participate in the program of events listed below. 

Day 1: Student Connect Day 
*student only event - continuing Year 6 students and incoming Year 7 students
Friday 1 September 2023 (student free day) 
8.30am - 2.40pm 
Dress: Sports uniform  
Confirm your daughter’s attendance

Day 2: Student and Parent Orientation Session 
*student and parent event - continuing Year 6 families and incoming Year 7 families
Friday 6 October 2023 
3.30pm - 5.30pm 
Confirm your attendance

Thank you to everyone who has registered, if you have yet to register your daughter and your family please do so via the links above.

Please mark your diaries with these compulsory Set For Seven Program dates. We look forward to supporting our continuing Year 6 students and incoming Year 7 students as they transition into their high school years.

Primary Debating

Year 5 and Year 6 students have begun their Debating season. This year the program is coached by supporting primary staff and student coaches from Years 10, 11, and 12.

This year’s topics include: that the government pays pocket money, transport and tolls on roads and rail, teachers wearing uniforms, sport in schools and grandparents’ life growing up. 

This year, there are two teams from each year level with four members rotating speaking positions to experience the depth and breadth of debating. The debaters are very committed and are producing excellent debates.

Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal

Our Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal has officially started! We are asking all Primary families to donate warm clothes and non-perishable food items to help those less fortunate stay warm and healthy this winter. Please bring any donations to Mrs Hukins and we will ensure they are delivered to those in need. Our Mini Vinnies group have been busy making posters to share with family and friends. All donations greatly appreciated!  

Faculty News
Study Skills - Ms Amanda Wallas, Head of Study Skills
Social Science - Mr John Mundell, Head of Social Science
Year 9 Business and Enterprise Market Week
Outdoor Education Program
Australian Brain Bee Challenge State Final

Study Skills - Ms Amanda Wallas, Head of Study Skills

All students from Years 7 - 12 have now been offered the laminated Home Study Planner to help them stay on top of their study time at home. 

This plan is dynamic and flexible and should be re-set every weekend for the week ahead. The best place for it is on the wall or pinboard above your daughter’s home study space, next to her Assessment Calendar. As outlined in the last edition of Verbis, all students should now have their Assessment Calendar set up and printed out for the term ahead.

You may like to chat with your daughter about using this planner to manage her time and stay organised. Students have been sent instructions for the Home Study Planner, but I include them below for your information.

Every Sunday night, your daughter should set up her home study plan for the week ahead as follows:

  1. Write in any assignments due in the space provided (or leave them there if they are still due from the previous week).
  2. Go to her Assessment calendar and write any assessment components (plan due, half draft completed, begin research) into her home study plan in the “WORK DUE” spaces throughout the week.
  3. Enter any non-negotiables such as music, sport, tutor, part-time work, family member’s birthday dinner etc.
  4. Write in each day the time, subject, and the work she will do on it. Number them in order of importance, as far as possible (she can of course change this).
  5. If she is given homework, she can add this to the relevant day as soon as she gets home from school.
  6. She should spend 20-25 minutes maximum on each study “chunk” and then have a mini-break of five minutes away from screens.

Your daughter’s phone should be completely off and in another room (or given to a parent/carer) for the whole time she is studying (including the mini-breaks), and you should block Messenger or any other social media on her computer.

If you have any questions relating to Study Skills at St Rita's College, please don't hesitate to contact Ms Amanda Wallas. 

Social Science - Mr John Mundell, Head of Social Science

Harvard Model United Nations

From 1-4 June, four St Rita’s College students, Sofie Ferris, Claudia Altman, Giselle Hossinger and Amy Heads, took the opportunity to participate in the Harvard University Model United Nations (HMUN). HMUN is regarded as one of the most prestigious international MUN conferences globally, and allows participants to represent countries, organisations, or leaders in order to debate pressing international issues in a simulated session of an intergovernmental organisation (IGO), and is attended online by students from across the globe.

St Rita’s College students represented Colombia and New Zealand in fields such as Population and Development, Trade and Development, Legal Committees, and Economic and Financial committees. The students were able to speak and discuss with other delegates in unmoderated caucuses to form blocs, participate in discussions on perspectives and strategies of their nation, share ideas, make arguments, write on working papers and present resolutions.

The students enjoyed debating and meeting new people, practicing skills such as persuading others, thinking quickly about topics that required in-depth knowledge, learning new skills and ways of writing and responding to stimulus and questions, and in particular, collaborating with others.

There were challenges across the days, such as having to learn policy writing, recalling vast amounts of information about their country, speaking in front of people they had never met, and developing responses in a short time-frame.

all the students found it rewarding and would recommend other students become involved in Model United Nations events, particularly those interested in in politics, law, justice, or those who just want to broaden their worldview, as it was a great opportunity to learn new skills and meet like-minded people from across the world.

Year 7 Geography Excursion to South Bank

On Friday 21 July, the Year 7 students attended an excursion to South Bank as part of our Geography unit on liveability. The express purpose was discovering how effective the South Bank Corporation is at achieving its goal of making this space the premier attraction in Brisbane to various stakeholders through gathering primary data/fieldwork.

This was a wonderful opportunity for the Year 7s in many ways, from catching a train into the city in a large group, through to thinking critically about a space that many take for granted.

The students examined many sites, such as Streets Beach, the Cultural Precinct, Picnic Island, the Nepalese Pagoda and much more.

They were asked to look for both positive and negatives of the liveability of South Bank and many drew surprising conclusions. 

The students have spent subsequent lessons examining their data and some of what they learnt will form part of their Term 3 assessment.

Year 9 Business and Enterprise Market Week

The Year 9 Business and Enterprise students have completed their unit on Competition in the Marketplace with their business ventures. Groups developed small business ideas with a focus on social responsibility.

The students developed product and business ideas, design the branding, sales projections, marketing and packaging. Each product was handmade by the students, packaged, marketed, advertised and sold at market stalls during lunch.

This process provides students with real experience in product development and running a small business and all profits go towards College Missions.

Products include: candles, lip scrub, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, lip gloss, care packs and customised stickers. 

Outdoor Education Program

The Outdoor Education program at the College is carefully designed to give students the opportunity to participate in team activities that develop and enhance resilience and collaboration, alongside their organisational and leadership abilities. Attendance at camp is compulsory for students in Years 5-10. To assist families in their planning for 2024, please take notes of the following dates for camps:

  • Year 5 Camp: QCCC Tamborine – Wednesday 4 - Friday 6 September 2024
  • Year 6 Canberra Excursion: Monday 3 to Friday 7 June 2024
  • Year 7 Camp: QCCC Mapleton – Wednesday 21 - Friday 23 February 2024
  • Year 8 Camp: QCCC Tamborine – Monday 22 - Wednesday 24 April 2024
  • Year 9 Camp: QCCC Noosa – Wednesday 21 - Friday 23 August 2024
  • Year 10 Camp: Emu Gully – Tuesday 8 - Thursday 10 October 2024

Australian Brain Bee Challenge State Final

The Queensland Brain Institute was buzzing this week as aspiring neuroscientists gathered for the Queensland finals of the Australian Brain Bee Challenge.

Congratulations to Samantha C and Samantha R who joined forces with two other Brisbane students to take first place in the Team Challenge.

Both girls also scored in the top 10 for the Individual Challenge and Samantha C took the top honour and was named the overall Queensland individual winner. Samantha will now represent Queensland in the Australian Competition in December and also enjoy a lab placement at the Brain Institute during the school holidays.

Thank you to all the volunteers and researchers who helped make the day a success for all students.

From the Library
International Chess Day

International Chess Day

To celebrate International Chess Day, the Library held a chess tournament! Over two weeks, competitors worked their way through heats to the grand final until we had our two champions! Heidi J form Year 5 and Radhika N from Year 9.

Congratulations to everyone who participated. We were blown away by your skill and enthusiasm.

Debating News - Mrs Lorraine Specogna, Debating Coordinator
QDU Finals

QDU Finals

The finals for the Year 8 to Senior A QDU competition are currently being held. This year, two Year 8 teams fiercely competed in finals 1: 8.1 and 8.2. They were defeated, however, proudly reached the top 64 teams from over 250 in the competition. Also, the two Year 10 teams directly progressed to the second round of finals between the top 32 teams from over 200 in the competition. 10.2 were defeated, however, 10.1 have progressed to the next stage of finals to compete amongst the top 16 teams. The Year 8 teams were coached by the Alumnae, Jordyn Keble and the Year 10 teams by the Alumnae, Isabella Bridger. 

Congratulations to everyone.

Music News - Mr Craig Kennedy, Head of Cocurricular Music
Guitar Workshop with Karin Schaupp
Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival
Year 5 Music Immersion Concert
Music Gala
Upcoming Events in Term 3

Guitar Workshop with Karin Schaupp

As a follow on from the inspiring Guitar Concert last term with special guests the Riverside Guitar Ensemble, this week our Guitar Ensemble had the privilege of working with prominent Australian guitarist Karin Schaupp. Karin is Head of Classical Guitar at the Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University and it was a thrill for our students to participate in this workshop. Our students were challenged to extend their musicality and Karin was impressed with the student’s current ability and desire to improve further. A special thank you to our Guitar teacher and ensemble director, Ms Libby Myers, who organised last term’s concert and this workshop. This was undoubtedly a great opportunity for our Guitar Ensemble as they continue preparation towards their upcoming performance at QCMF.

Queensland Catholic Colleges Music Festival

From 17 - 20 August, 16 of our ensembles will perform as part of one of the largest school music festivals in Australia. Our students will perform at Villanova College and St James Church and School amongst thousands of musicians from Catholic schools within Queensland and interstate. Performance details have been posted on the College App with further links to the Event Memo, QCMF Key Information Brochure and a Festival Map. We look forward to all ensembles presenting their best possible performance at the festival. Students and families are also very welcome to attend and support other ensemble performances over the festival weekend and join the QCMF community for Mass on Sunday 20 August at 7.30am in Goold Hall, Villanova College.

Year 5 Music Immersion Concert

To celebrate the students’ musical achievements throughout Terms 1-3, we invite parents to our Year 5 Music Immersion Concert which will showcase the skills students have learnt during the program. This performance will be held on Wednesday 6 September, 5.00-6.00pm in Trinity Auditorium. We are very proud of the progress of all students and look forward to hearing how far they have come from the first time setting hands on their instrument to now performing in a concert. Please check the College App and MySRC calendar for full details.

Music Gala

On Saturday 9 September all College ensembles will perform in the Music program’s major concert for the year, Music Gala. This is a wonderful musical moveable feast which will start with multiple concerts in Eirene from 2.30pm, then move to Cove Lane for some Jazz performances and finally into Trinity Auditorium for the Gala Showcase Concert at 7.00pm featuring some of our most advanced ensembles. The finale performance in the Showcase Concert will bring together the Symphony Orchestra and Choirs and is a great way to end an amazing day of music. Full performance details are available on the College App and MySRC Calendar.

Throughout the afternoon the Music Support Group will be running a BBQ and bar so there will be ample opportunity for parents to get involved and help to make the Gala a special celebratory occasion. Parents are asked to sign up through this link:

The Music Support Group has also put a call out for Music Gala raffle donations which can be brought in before Friday 25 August. 

Upcoming Events in Term 3

We would like to extend an invitation to anyone in our extended community to join us for any of our upcoming performances and events. You would be most welcome. For further details to see if there is something that may interest you, please follow this link:

Sport News - Mr Joshua White, Director of Sport
Water Polo
CaSSSA Sport
Primary School Sport
Volleyball Senior Schools Cup
Rugby 7s Program
Track and Field

Water Polo

Congratulations to the following students Prue D, Caitlin E, Emma W, Abby B and Lucy A. Competing at Hawaiian invitation representative tournament. They left for the tournament on Sunday 30 July and will start playing in Hawaii soon. We wish them all the best and cant wait to hear about the tournament on their return.

The Australian Schools Invitational Water Polo Championships were held in Woy Woy at the end of July. Congratulations to Tilly M, Tilly H and Jemima I for winning gold at the tournament. We are very proud of how you all represented Queensland and the school.


A big congratulations to our selected Vicki Wilson Primary School team who will compete on the first weekend of the September school holidays. This is our very first Vicki Wilson Primary School team, we are excited to see them play some awesome netball and blaze a trail for future Primary Schoolers. Well done to all students who trialed!

Some of our Club teams competed in the Madison and DPNA Netball Carnival on Sunday 23 July, a great day was had by all. A big thank you to all the coaches and to the parent helpers. Congratulations to the following teams

· 12.1 team - winners

· 31.1 team - runners up

· Cadets 2 - runners up

Netball Specialist Clinics were a great success and the girls had lots of fun we look forward to more of the same this week

Netball Awards

We will hold our Club netball Awards Night on Friday 8 September, this will be a great night, we hope to see you all there. Tickets will go on sale soon keep an eye out for them.

CaSSSA Netball

Sign ups are open for Year 7 and Year 8 CaSSSA netball teams for Term 4, if you haven’t signed up yet, jump on to the app or MySRC to register. Trials will be held at the end of August, you must be signed up to trial. Registrations will close Friday 18 August.

CaSSSA Sport

Term 3 CaSSSA Sport kicked off on Wednesday 19 July, with fixtures starting for Inters & Seniors Touch Football, Junior & Seniors Soccer and Junior & Seniors Basketball! It was a great starting point for the season, and undoubtedly each team will progress with their skill level after each training session. Commitment is the foundation of great accomplishments, and we ask for every player to uphold their commitment to training and fixtures. We look forward to a fun season ahead!

Term 4 CaSSSA Sports Registrations

Registrations are now open! Please head to the MySRC page here to register for trials for the following sports:

  • Intermediate (Years 9 –10) Basketball
  • Junior (Years 7 – 8) AFL
  • As listed above Netball (Years 7 – 8) 

Any questions please email

Primary School Sport

City Districts

Some of our Primary School Students attended City Districts Competition for Track and Field last week. We had some amazing results and we have 9 students heading off to Met North at the end of August. Congratulations to the following students.

  • Alba S
  • Alessia F
  • Mia C
  • Quinn L
  • Lily B
  • Sofia C
  • Willa K
  • Esther G
  • Arabella P


Our Primary School students have the opportunity to play in the City Districts Gala days in Term 4 for AFL. Sign ups are open via the link in the App and My SRC. Training as begun for Year 5 teams and will commence for Year 6 next week.

Volleyball Senior Schools Cup

Good Luck to our Volleyball Senior Schools Cup team.

Volleyball Schools Cup is taking place this Friday – Sunday at AB Paterson College competing against schools from all over Queensland. We wish the team all the best and look forward to hearing how the team goes.

Rugby 7s Program

The Rugby 7’s program has kicked for Term 3 with a good number of students attending training in preparation for some upcoming tournaments.

Trainings are being held on the Flat at St Rita’s on Wednesday mornings from 6.30-7.45am and at the Brothers Rugby Club on Thursday afternoons from 3.30-5.00pm.

Any student keen to participate is very welcome to come and join in trainings. There are U13, U15 and U18 teams so everybody is being catered for.

The major tournament for the teams is the CaSSSA tournament being held on Sunday 10 September with a follow up tournament on Thursday 14 September hosted by John Paul College.

The teams are being coached by Mr Greg Thompson from the Sports Department who is a recent arrival to the College from New Zealand and has a wealth of rugby coaching experience and Mr Will Campbell from the Brothers Rugby Club. 

Any queries about Rugby 7s can be directed to Mr Thompson at

Track and Field

We are nearing the pointy end of the season with CaSSSA Track & Field only 2 weeks away. Our students have been competing on Friday nights in the UQ Lead up meets and training hard up to 4 times a week under the watchful eyes of our coaching staff.

There is one further Track & Field meet on Monday 7 August, with our 2023 team named on Tuesday 8th August. Team Presentation for the selected team members will be on Thursday 10 August at 7.30am.

We wish the selected team the best of luck as they go to defend last year's win at QSAC on Monday 14 August.

Student Initiatives - Your Opportunity To Help
Cancer Council Ponytail Project

Cancer Council Ponytail Project

Our annual Ponytail Project is fast approaching, and we are excited to see our St Rita's students 'rock the chop' in support of the Cancer Council.

The ‘big chop’ event will take place on Friday 25 August and every ponytail chopped will make a difference to the lives of people affected by cancer. 

This project empowers people all over Australia and within our school community to make a direct difference as all chopped hair is used to make wigs for cancer patients and all monetary donations fund life-changing research and support communities going through their cancer journey.

In our year of simplicity, this is an amazing opportunity to give back to the community and we appreciate all donations to this worthy cause:

Thank you very much! 

Ava, Rachel and Taya

Important Dates
Upcoming Dates to Note

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • Friday 4 August - Year 9 and Year 10 2024 Subject Selection Preferences Due
  • Friday 4 August - Arts Showcase
  • Saturday & Sunday 4-5 August - Vicki Wilson Netball Championships
  • Monday 7 August - Term 3 School Photos
  • Monday 7 August - Year 6 Vinnies Workshop
  • Tuesday 8 August - Marian House Colour Day
  • Tuesday 8 August - Year 10, 2024 Blazer fittings commence (current Year 9 students)
  • Wednesday 9 August - Year 10 Drama: Mamma Mia at QPAC
  • Thursday 10 August - Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY Immunisation
  • Monday 14 August - CaSSSA Interschool Track & Field
  • Tuesday 15 August - Collins Fundraiser Day
  • Wednesday 16 August - Exhibition Holiday
  • Thursday - Sunday 17-20 August - Queensland Catholic Schools and Colleges Music Festival
  • Friday 18 August - Rosa: 'Say No to Bullying Day'
  • Saturday 19 August - St Rita's College P&F Raffle
  • Monday 21 August - RYDA Year 10
  • Tuesday 22 August - Collins Fundraiser Day
  • Tuesday 22 August - Whole School Assembly
  • Thursday 24 August - 2024 College Captains announced during House Group
  • Friday 25 August - Senior Careers Breakfast (Years 11 & 12)
  • Tuesday 29 August - SRC/Nudgee Year 9 Social Evening
  • Wednesday 30 August - Father/Daughter Breakfast
  • Thursday 31 August - Nagle Thrifty Thursday
Upcoming Events
College Photo Day - 7 August
St Rita's College P&F Raffle - Drive away in a Mazda 2 - 3 Weeks to go!
Father & Daughter Breakfast - Tickets now available!
Service Rosters

College Photo Day - 7 August

The next College Photo Day will be held on Monday 7 August. Click here to view the full schedule and take note of any relevant uniform requirements.

  • Year 12 Photo
  • Daughters of Past Students
  • Granddaughters of Past Students
  • Nagle 3
  • Cross Country
  • Music
  • Excellence Program
  • CaSSSA Term 3 Sport
  • Volleyball
  • Vicky Wilson
  • Rugby 7s
  • Debating

Students who are new to the College are required to have their photo taken before school in the Eirene Centre. If you have missed the opportunity for a sibling photo, this can also be taken at this time.

A reminder to students that no make up is allowed.

Should you wish to purchase any photos, please contact QLD Schools Photography directly on or 3216 6777.

St Rita's College P&F Raffle - Drive away in a Mazda 2 - 3 Weeks to go!

Join us in supporting the St Rita's College Parents and Friends Association's major fundraiser for the year!

In just over three weeks, one lucky winner will drive away in a Mazda2 valued at $26,800.

With only 2,000 tickets up for grabs, get in quick before they sell out and show your support. All funds raised will support the St Rita's College P&F Association in their mission to support the College in providing exceptional learning environments and opportunities for students.

Click here to view details and to purchase tickets.

Father & Daughter Breakfast - Tickets now available!

Ticket sales are open for the annual St Rita's College Father and Daughter Breakfast, hosted by the Sports Subcommittee. 

Wednesday 30 August 2023
6.00am sharp to 8.30am
St Ledger Marquee, Eagle Farm Racecourse, Lancaster Road, Ascot

With Special Guests: 
Shane Webcke, Former Brisbane Bronco and Australia Rugby League Player
Caitlin Mair, Past student and Queensland, Australian Cricketer
Tom Court, Former Queensland Reds, British and Irish Rugby Player

Ticket price includes plated, table served hot Breakfast, complemented by a selection of danishes, croissants and fresh fruit, juices and tea/coffee. Student Ticket $45.00/Father Ticket $75.00.

Click here to view details and to purchase tickets.

Service Rosters

Big Brekky

Students are to meet the supervising staff member at Student Services at 5.55am. Students are to wear modest comfortable clothing.

Tuesday 15 August: Mrs Star will accompany Imogen Boucher, Zoe Jenkins, Tilly Hughes and Maria Veneris

Tuesday 22 August: Ms Austin will accompany Hannah Woods, Rachel Copsey, Courtney Tucker and Sarah Gallagher

Tuesday 29 August: Mr Guthrie will accompany Taya Kirk, Imogen Riethmuller, Josie Kropp and Sarah Rees

Homework Club

Students will meet their supervising staff member in classrooms S07 and S08 after school.

Tuesday 15 August: Sofia Kuc, Charlotte Barr, Claire Meekin and Olivia Sim

Tuesday 22 August: Amy Jenkins, Annabelle Hartley, Te Keene Brinsdon, Ella Chambers, Lysanne Lombaard, Issy Langestraat, Grace Mulligan and Sofia Kuc

Tuesday 29 August: Macy Bishop, Charlotte Barr, Ella Chambers, Olivia Sim, Annabelle Hartley, Emilia Hudson and Sarah Thambiran

Road Safety Notice
Road Safety

Road Safety

As we strive to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of our school community, we ask your cooperation in adhering to the following guidelines for drop off, pick up and parking around the College.

  • When dropping off and picking up your child, please use the designated areas on the school side of Enderley Road.
  • It is essential to keep these allocated zones moving smoothly. Please refrain from prolonged stops or idle parking in the drop-off and pick-up areas.
  • Parking on yellow lines is strictly prohibited, as it obstructs the flow of traffic and can cause delays and accidents.
  • All students are to use the designated pedestrian crossings and wait for the traffic signals to ensure their safety. Parents are asked to enforce this message and ensure students exercise extreme caution when crossing the road in front of the school.
  • Drivers are to adhere to reduced speed limits and to remain vigilent of pedestrian movements in streets surrounding the college. 

Your cooperation in following these guidelines is greatly appreciated as we strive to provide a safe environment for student and vehicle movements. If you have any further questions or need clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Boutique News
Year 10 Blazer Fittings and Year 5 Swimming Gear
Sale Items
New Products for sale
Opening Hours

Year 10 Blazer Fittings and Year 5 Swimming Gear

Blazer Fittings – Year 10, 2024: Tuesday 8 August – Monday 21 August.  

The College Blazer is a compulsory uniform item for all students in Years 10-12. To ensure delivery in time for the start of the 2024 school year, blazer fittings will commence next week for current Year 9 students. Fittings will be held as per the schedule and students are asked to adhere to their allocated date and time. If a fitting time falls during House Group, students are to hve their name marked off the roll and then come directly to the Boutique. At the time of fitting, students will be given their size and instructions on how to order the Blazer and White Tie online. All orders must be received via the online Boutique and no later than Sunday 27 August. 

Year 5 Swimming Gear: 11, 18 & 25 August. 

Please see separate correspondence for more information

Please direct any enquiries to or phone +61738621615.

Sale Items

All must go, All items are old try-ons and in new condition:

  • Water Polo Suits - $85
  • Bike Shorts (cotton) - $25
  • Music Uniforms – $50
  • Netball Dresses - $60
  • Track Suits – from $40
  • Vest - $20

 Sale items are available to purchase via the Online Boutique or in store. LIMITED STOCK available.

New Products for sale

The College Boutique have new items for your convenience:

  • Music Performance Folders (Black – for performances) - $22
  • Swimming Goggles – Stealth Mirror Lens - $15
  • Mouthguards – EVA Boil and Bite design - $6

Opening Hours

Monday – CLOSED

Tuesday to Friday – 7.30am - 9am & 11am - 3.30pm

Community Notices
2023 Non-Government Schools Census collection notice
Sacrament of Penance at St Agatha's Church
Oriana Presents "Beneath the Southern Cross"
Karate Life Skills Free Trial

2023 Non-Government Schools Census collection notice

The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to advise all staff, parents and guardians that it will collect certain information about your school, its staff and student body as part of the 2023 Non-Government School Census collection (the Census).

Parents are not required to do anything, however the College is responsible for providing the information to the department. Please click here to view further details.

Sacrament of Penance at St Agatha's Church

Enrolments for the Sacrament of Penance (also known as Reconciliation in the First Rite or Confession) are now open at St Agatha’s Church.

Click here for further details and to register.

For additional information please contact Sandy Cantarutti, Children and Families Pastoral Associate, St Agatha’s Parish, Clayfield via or call the Parish Office on 3262 2859.

Oriana Presents "Beneath the Southern Cross"

From ‘Georgie Girl’ to ‘You’re the Voice’, acclaimed Sunshine Coast ensemble, Oriana Choir, will present a celebration of Australian music from across the decades at 2.00pm on Sunday 13 August at the Trinity Centre, St Rita’s College, Clayfield and at 2.00pm on Sunday 20 August at Stella Maris Catholic Primary School, Maroochydore.

For more details and to book your seats for either concert visit

Karate Life Skills Free Trial

Australian Goju Kai Karate (AGKK) is a community Karate Club that aims to help people in the local Brisbane Community. AGKK prepares positive, resilient students for the challenges of today & tomorrow. 

These purposeful Martial Arts lessons are a great way for kids, adults & families to advance life skills in an inclusive, fun, safe, experienced and structured environment. 

Click here for further details.