Verbis - Term 4, Edition 3 Verbis - Term 4, Edition 3
10 November 2022
Year of Compassion - Begin with the Heart
From our College Leadership Team
Principal, Mrs Dale Morrow
Dear Parents/Carers
At our next College Assembly, I will be encouraging our students to make the most of the final weeks of the school year. They will be reminded that this is not the time to “take the foot off the pedal” and coast towards the finishing line. Teachers will be making sure that all areas of their curriculum have been covered and time is given to revise before final assessment tasks. Your encouragement of productive study time at home will certainly assist in having the students finish the academic year well.
While the year is certainly drawing to a close very quickly as we approach mid-November there is still a myriad of cocurricular events occurring. To mention just a few recent activities, the last week of October and the first week of November were times at the College when we welcomed new families and their daughters in preparation for their commencement in 2023.
For the new students about to enter Year 7, we recognise that it is a major transition point in their educational journey and we endeavour to make it as seamless as possible. To this end, our Year 11 students hosted the 2023 Year 7 students for an afternoon’s orientation. They did so with a great degree of excitement for their role and displayed great care for each of the young students who attended. It is one of the many events we hold each year where I think how wonderful it would be if the parents/carers of the girls, who are taking on this leadership role, could see the way they interact with their young charges. I am always so proud to see how the senior students embrace their role as Big Sisters. The feedback was impressive with many families reaching out to thank the Year 11 students for settling the nerves and the concerns their daughters may have been experiencing as they look towards starting their high school journey next year.
Then, last Friday, the Year 10 and Year 11 students hosted the incoming Year 5, 2023 students. Once again, I was impressed with the energy and the welcome provided to the incoming Year 5 cohort by the older students. And, to my mind, there was no bigger compliment paid to the way the senior students conducted themselves than to have parents comment on how impressed they were with our students, and many expressing a sentiment along the lines that they hoped their daughter would develop the fine qualities evident in our current students. I would like to extend my thanks to the students who prepared for these two events and generously gave of their afternoon to meet and greet. I would also like to thank the Parents and Friends who provided the hospitality to our newest families.
To finish, I would like to point out that 21 November is the Feast Day for the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast has been celebrated in the Catholic Church for centuries and is a commemoration of the great faith shown by Mary’s parents who accepted the birth of their daughter late in life with much appreciation and testament to the goodness of the Lord. I mention this special day as it is the important feast day of the Presentation Order of Sisters and, of course, an important day for us as a Presentation school. It is always good to be mindful of this feast day because it helps to remind us of how much we have to be grateful for. On 21 November, if you can remember, spare a thought and offer a prayer of thanks for the wonderful tradition left to us by Nano Nagle.
God bless
Mrs Dale Morrow
Assistant Principal - Mission, Mrs Erica Qureshi
Next week we celebrate with our Year 12 graduates the end of their schooling journey. I would like to share with you one of the readings that will be read at their Graduation Mass as it truly summarises all that we hope for these students as they journey from our St Rita’s gates for the last time as students next Friday. Significantly at the Mass, the reading will be read by Sr Elvera Sesta, pbvm, on behalf of the Presentation Sisters, the staff and the many women on whose shoulders our Year 12 students stand.
A reading from Paul’s Letter to the Romans:
Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good…Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Take heed of this advice and we look forward to hearing from you all as you continue your remarkable journeys. In the words of all those who have gone before and remain, may you: Shine before us… Light the path… Heed the knowledge… (and) Go forth into the world and be!”
Christmas Appeals
As we draw nearer to Christmas, a time of expectant joy for many, we are reminded that it is also a time when we look inwards to ensure joy is experienced by those around us too. 2022 has been another uncertain year for many families in our community. Below are the organisations our College community will be collecting on behalf of for the remainder of the year. Please give in whatever capacity you’re able.
1. Contributions to the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
These contributions are non-perishable food items and items to prepare for Christmas, for example: biscuits, Christmas food (shortbread, pudding), coffee, tinned food, cordial, soft drinks, Christmas decorations. Please, no children’s gifts and no alcohol; however, items such as pencil cases and water bottles are always appreciated.
2. Kildare House initiative: Contributions for particular St Joseph’s families in Murgon
Students in Kildare House Groups have been assigned a family for whom they are packing a hamper. These hampers will be delivered to St Joseph’s by some of Kildare students on 29 November.
Donations for St Vincent de Paul can be dropped off at Student Services. Donations for the families in Murgon are being collected through Kildare House Group each morning.
Many thanks for your anticipated support of these appeals.
Primary Years
Head of Primary, Ms Belinda Emmi
Year 5 Pillar Awards
Introducing the Primary St Rita’s Learner Qualities
On Monday 14 November, Year 5 students and teachers, will participate in a Celebration of Learning Afternoon. During this time parents are invited to visit their daughter’s classroom, anytime between 2:00pm-3:00pm, to share in their reflective learning journey.
To build a learning culture across the Primary Years we have introduced learner qualities. The students across Year 5 have been working on these learner qualities throughout their first year at St Rita’s College and are very excited to have an opportunity to share their feedback with parents and carers.
Please RSVP to by Thursday 3:00pm if you are attending this event.
Researcher: an effective researcher of learning uses strategies to source information, uses the fly hunt strategy to find answers in texts, creates Cornell notes and uses scaffolds to organize their research notes.
Organiser: an effective organiser of learning has their equipment and learning supplies organised, they organise their notes, they are prepared and complete set tasks on time including homework and classwork.
Reflector: an effective reflector of learning reflects on areas for improvement, uses criteria sheets and teacher feedback to progress and improve their learning, they can identify their progress, ask questions and reflect on areas of improvement.
Applier: an effective applier of learning uses a growth mindset to challenge, question and try in all areas of their learning.
Achiever: an effective achiever takes steps to reach their goals, consistently uses criteria to improve their learning to achieve academic results.
What You Need to Know
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
The College Interhouse Swimming Carnival will be held tomorrow, Friday 11 November, at the Valley Pool. Attendance at this House event is compulsory event for all Years 5-11 students. The usual absentee procedure applies.
In the event of Wet Weather
The Swimming Carnival will go ahead in the rain. It will only be cancelled if there are pending thunderstorms. Notice regarding any cancellation of the Swimming Carnival would be issued via the College App.
Students are to arrive to school by 8:20am at the latest for morning House Group in Assumpta. All students will be transported to the Valley Pool and return to the College by Chartered Buses. Students will return to the College and be dismissed at normal school time to allow for normal afternoon transport.
- No students are permitted to be dropped or picked up from the Pool.
- Students with a Driver’s License do not have permission to drive to or from the Pool.
Years 5 – 11 Sports uniform with House coloured shirt, including bucket hats/SRC cap are to be worn.
Only the St Rita’s College/Water Polo Swimmers and House/SRC Cap are to be worn.
Students are encouraged to get in the spirit of their House Colour.
Unfortunately due to space restrictions, we do not have the capacity to welcome spectators. Spectators will be permitted at the College’s competitive carnival on Friday 3 March next year.
The girls are asked to bring sufficient food and drinks for the day, including water. However, a canteen will be operating at the Valley Pool.
Remembrance Day
The Carnival will stop at 11:00am to honour the men and women of the armed forces who have sacrificed their lives in their line of duty.
Last Day of School for 2022 – Friday 25 November
The final day of school for the year will commence with Mass. There will be a Morning Tea break, but not a Lunch break, and school will conclude with an Assembly prior to dismissal at 12:00pm. The girls have many tasks to undertake during the morning in closure of the 2022 school year.
- The College uniform must be worn as usual to and from school. Students may wear Christmas accessories (Christmas hats, earrings, etc.) after Mass, but not before or during Mass. These accessories are additions to the College uniform, not replacements.
- The Pantry will be open for breakfast and morning tea, but will not be serving lunch items. No online ordering is available.
- Year 5 students can be collected from the Primary Drive Through Pick Up area from 12:10pm-12:30pm.
- Years 7-11 students must ensure all items are removed from their lockers. There will be no access to lockers over the Christmas/New Year break and the same locker may not be in use for 2023. Please encourage students to start bringing items in their locker home before last day.
- Year 5 students are to take home all their belongings prior to the end of school and this will commence during the last weeks of school, with anything remaining to be taken home on the last day. Year 5 students are not to bring their laptop on the last day of school. Year 6 students in 2023 will be invited to drop off their belongings on Monday 23 January between 2:00pm -3:00pm. The 2023 class teacher will be in contact with details and dedicated time.
- Red and White Buses will run a full service for all routes departing the usual Oriel Road stop at 12:15pm.
- Hornibrook Bus Lines will run on their usual Route 999 afternoon timetable with no modification to accommodate the early finishing time.
Students not returning to St Rita's in 2023
If your daughter will not be returning to St Rita's College in 2023, please advise in writing to Mrs Morrow and your daughter's Head of House at your earliest opportunity to enable the College to finalise timetabling and resourcing:
St Rita's Enrolments for Year 7, 2026 and Year 5, 2024
Enrolment applications for girls currently in Year 3 (2022) for entry to Year 7, 2026 and Year 5 2024, close on 27 January 2023.
Enrolment applications for girls in Year 3, 2023 for entry to Year 7, 2027 and Year 5, 2025 will open on Monday 9 January 2023.
Full details and the College’s online enrolment application form are available on the College website. Enquiries are welcomed by the College Registrar, Mrs Emma Ross:
Christmas/New Year Dates to diary
College Office Closure
College Office: will close on Friday 16 December 2022 at 3:00pm and reopen on Tuesday 3 January 2023. If you have an urgent enquiry during this period, please email This email address will be checked periodically during the closure period. As such, there may be a delay in reply.
Boutique Hours
2023 Term Dates
Term 1
Tuesday 24 January (Years 5, 7, 11 and 12 commence) – Friday 31 March
Wednesday 25 January (Years 6, 8, 9 and 10 commence) - Friday 31 March
Term 2
Monday 17 April – Friday 16 June
Term 3
Monday 10 July – Friday 15 September
Term 4
Tuesday 3 October – Friday 24 November
SRC Supporter Gear - Purchase up to Thursday 8 December
Parents and Past Students can purchase mens and ladies Polos and Caps up to Thursday 8 December with last collection for 2022 on Friday 16 December from College Reception.
The range is non-cocurricular specific and is perfect to wear at sports, music and/or debating events and any other opportunities to promote the Brown and White with pride. These make great Christmas presents.
Please note that the Boutique does not stock nor sell Supporter gear. All enquiries should be made via
The College thanks Mrs Rosanna Ferguson for her work on this project.
Click Here to be taken to the purchasing portal along with full details.
College Business Directory - Thank You
We extend our thanks to the businesses that have taken advertising in our inaugural Online College Business Directory, and have supported the College Music and/or Sports program by doing so. We’ve received some nice messages of appreciation and it is our hope all advertisers are reaping business rewards.
Listings will run through to the new school year. We will contact advertisers when your listing is due for renewal.
New listings can be taken at any time and only cost $100 per Term. The Directory is accessed from the College App on your mobile phone and puts us in contact with businesses that parents or past students own, operate or are employed at to provide us with what we need professionally, personally, for around the home, the car, travel, entertainment, and more
Click Here to access all details.
Feature Business (Don’t forget to mention you are from St Rita’s when contacting!)
Doors Direct
Amanda Gosney (Current Parent)
Phone: 3161 5963
Doors Direct are specialists in all brands of garage doors, roller doors, panel lift / sectional doors, tilt doors, motors and openers. The team specialises in the supply, installation, motorising, servicing and repair of garage doors.
Parent End of Year Event - Saturday 19 November
Parents are invited to attend an End of Year event on Saturday 19 November from 1:00pm at the Port Office Hotel. RSVPs are required by tomorrow, Friday 11 November.
Please click on the link for details. Enquiries can be directed to Mrs Anita Fogg via
This event is parent organised with payment collected externally from the College.
Debating News - Mrs Lorraine Specogna, Debating Coordinator
2023 Debating
The 2023 season for Years 7-12 will begin in the week of 20 February. A preliminary sign on for teams will occur next week, 14 November. In 2023, Year 7 competition will begin at the same time as Years 8-12. While they will not have knockout finals, there will be a six-round competition concluding in August. All information will be sent out through MySRC news and the College App. The primary debating season does not commence until May. Further details for the primary competition will be sent out in 2023.
Debating Master Classes
These classes were well supported. The junior debaters improved in skills for 2023. Debates had clear characterisation of the stakeholders and identification of the harms and benefits in the principle arguments supported by practical examples. The rebuttals moved from formatted to grouping principle and harms and benefits. The quality of arguments and confidence in debating improved substantially. The senior debaters also benefitted from these sessions as mentors and adjudicators. Through determining what should be argued, praising results and then providing feedback of what also should be included gave these debaters greater knowledge in the art of debating. Miss Grace Duggin guided the sessions covering economic, political, gender and cultural themes.
QDU 2023 State Trials
QDU State Trials were held in November this year, rather than February 2023. Eleven debaters from across Years 9, 10 and 11 competed. All were separated into different teams for the trials allowing their personal preference of speaking position and giving them an opportunity to show how they can work in a team of people they did not know. From the first round two Year 9 students advanced to the second weekend of trials: Charlotte Pritchard and Sophia Smith. Congratulations to Sophia who is successfully advancing to the top 24. All debaters enjoyed the experience, debating topics and valued the feedback from the adjudicators.
Speech and Communication
Tuition Enrolments Open
Enrolments for cocurricular Speech and Communication are open for 2023. Create the power to speak up and speak out with Speech and Communication Tuition. A program to mentor confident, clear, communication savvy individuals; ready to take on the world today. Eisteddfod and Public Speaking competitions, AMEB accredited exams to CVCA certificate level, school oral support and more.
Please contact Ms Hannah Jones of Speech and Communication Tuition for further information and enrolment forms.
Sport - Mr Dane Robinson, Director of Sport
Sporting Excellence Program
The 2022-23 Sporting Excellence Program athletes have been selected. The program was inundated with high calibre applicants who have achieved at high levels in a wide array of sports, making final selections for the SEP Squad very difficult. All students who applied should be extremely proud of their achievements.
The athletes will have access to a raft of services and support including:
- Strength & Conditioning
- Testing
- Sport Psychology
- Nutrition
- Wellbeing Support
- Female Performance & Health
- Athlete Management Tools
- Social Media Education
- Leadership Camp
- Parental Education
- Lifestyle Camp
Participants in the 2022-23 Sporting Excellence Program include:
- Rose Acklin
- Lucia Andrews
- Ashley Cavanagh
- Sienna Chamier Brumpton
- Izabelle Cooper
- Elke Cooper
- Mia Croucamp
- Sophie De Angelis
- Bronte Flook
- Mia Hollyman
- Chelsea Hopsick
- Emily Hopsick
- Lucy Hubczenko
- Jemima Irvine
- Darcey Johnson
- Taya Kirk
- Josephine Kropp
- Mia MacDermott
- Niamh McCarthy
- Matilda Morrow
- Mia Nguyen
- Kara Nguyen
- Olivia Nightingale
- Lily Parker
- Ava Seery
- Selma Somerville
- Maria Veneris
- Nina Vickers
- Romy Vickers
- Emma Williams
- Sierra Williams
- Holly Williams
- Madelyn Witteveen
Touch Football
On Friday 7 October through to Sunday 9 October our Open Touch Team competed at the All-Schools Championships.
This young team that has been training hard for most of the year, narrowly missed out on making the finals. They played some very competitive games and showed massive improvements from last year. There are big things ahead for this incredibly talented team.
Special mention must go to the seniors in the team, Isabella Catalano, Abbey Vickers and Sophia McCarthy who led from the front.
The SRC Knowles Cup team successfully defended their title and won the Knowles Cup Tournament for a record-equalling fifth consecutive year.
It was an incredible team performance that saw every player, contribute towards the win.
Special mention must go to the Tennis captains, Alexandra Zornig and Felicity Shepherd, who were consistent leaders all year. Special mention must also go to our Head Coach, John James, for doing such an amazing job, coaching the team.
Track & Field
For the first occasion post-Covid, the Queensland School Sport Track & Field Championships were held at QSAC on 13-16 October. St Rita’s had 20 students qualify to represent the Metropolitan North Region - a great achievement in itself - and competed against athletes from all over the State in this extremely high-quality meet.
The SRC T&F athletes who were selected for Met North were: Scarlett Sinclair, Rose Acklin, Abbey Crowe, Claudia Schaumberg, Sierra Williams, Mia Nguyen, Elyse O'Brien, Romy Vickers, Caitlin Emmerson, Madelyn Witteveen, Claudia Altmann, Izabelle Cooper, Gemma Hutchings, Maria Veneris, Stella Kay, Erin Kropp, Josephine Kropp, Sophie Morris, Jeevika Narayan, Monique Newbery.
These young ladies all represented St Rita’s in fine style, with a good number making finals (Track) or “Top 8”(in Field events). Special mention for making “Top 8” in U13 Discus was Scarlett Sinclair. Being new to the sport this year, Scarlett has been impressive in her dedication and consistency to training,
Additionally, SRC had three medal winners (and four medals) over the course of these Championships, with Romy Vickers winning a bronze medal (U15 yrs 3000m), Gemma Hutchings a bronze medal in U17 yrs High Jump, and Rose Acklin winning both a silver medal (U15yrs 800m) and a running a sensational PB and school record (57.14s) in winning the gold medal in U15yrs 400m.
Rose will represent Queensland in the Australian All Schools Track & Field Championships in Adelaide (9-11 December). And in recently breaking news, St Rita’s has been selected by Athletics Australia to represent Queensland Schools, along with St Aidan’s Girls School and Moreton Bay College, in the Senior Girls Division of the National Schools Challenge on Monday 12 December in Adelaide.
Congratulations to our Junior Volleyball Team who recently won the Junior Volleyball Schools Cup (Div 2). An excellent achievement.
Special mention must go out to our Head Coach, Molly Edwards, who is doing a fantastic job developing these young Volleyballers and has had amazing success with all the All Schools Teams.
Water Polo
QLD U19 Team
Congratulations to the following St Rita’s students who have been named in the U19 Water Polo teams, travelling to Victoria to play in the National State Championships in December.
Maroon: Olivia Camilleri (past student), Cate Klinge, Amelia Watt (past student)
Gold: Lily Carrick, Abigale Houston (past student), Jemima Irvine, Matilda Morrow
Babarians Team: Horatia Schlect
Premier League
We currently have a partnership with Polo Bears Water Polo Club, providing a pathway for our players outside of school. We have joint SRC/Polo Bears teams in the BWPI U18 and A-Grade competitions on a weekly basis, with many of our St Rita’s players getting the opportunity to play in the Polo Bears Premier League team (coached by Naomi McCarthy and Assistant Coach Madi Wall).
Polo Bears is currently sitting top of the ladder, coming into Semi Finals on 13 November. Come along and support our coaches/players (Abbey, Amelia, Amy, Bridget, Eve, Cate, Gemma, Horatia, Jemima, Liv, Mia, Taya, Tilly M, Tilly H).
If any SRC Water Polo players are keen to see the best in action and learn more about the sport, come along and support! Anyone wearing their SRC shirt gets free entry.
More details at the link:
The first half of the Brisbane Water Polo 2022/23 Season is in full swing, with all teams doing extremely well.