Welcome to Term 4, 2022 Welcome to Term 4, 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
I hope the final Term break for the year has been restful. We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday next week, 4 October.
Below for your reading is a range of information required for the start of Term. Please take the time to read through each item and don’t hesitate to contact the College should you have any queries.
Kind regards
Mrs Dale Morrow
Important Updates
Please Update Parent and Emergency Contact Details and Student Medical Details
ALL parents/carers are asked to check their home and/or work email address/es and telephone number/s in BOTH Synergetic and Operoo and make updates if required. At the same time, please also check and update emergency contact person details.
Please also check your Operoo profile to ensure listed medical information is current, and if not please update this information.
- The College will always contact a parent in the first instance in the event of an illness or accident with their daughter. The Emergency Contact person in MySRC is not to be the student’s parent, but should be someone the College can quickly make contact with, in the event we cannot get hold of either parent. If a parent/carer or emergency contact needs to be contacted urgently due to illness or accident with their daughter, telephone is used.
- MySRC: Use the ‘My Details’ button on the brown ribbon at the top of the page in MySRC to make any changes in MySRC.
- Operoo: Only the parent can make changes in Operoo. Please log in to Operoo from MySRC and check that your email and contact details are the same as in MySRC. This is important so that information from Operoo to sync with the College database. The Primary Contact email and mobile must be entered. You are also encouraged to ensure the Secondary email and mobile are also entered, even though the system states that this is optional. This person must only be the student’s official Secondary Contact- e.g. Father or Mother – NOT an emergency contact.
- Operoo Medical Information: It is essential that this information is continually kept up to date. If a student becomes ill or has an accident at school or on excursion/camp, Operoo is the first port of call for the College Nurse and/or College staff in providing appropriate treatment that is safe for the student.
Zero Tolerance of Illness on Campus
St Rita’s Zero Tolerance of illness or any flu like symptoms on campus remains in place. Staff and students who are unwell, should not attend school. Parents and or Emergency Contacts of students who present at school unwell will be contacted and asked to collect their child.
Trial of new Roadways Behaviour Monitoring System in selected Queensland school zones
The College has been advised by the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, The Honourable Mark Bailey, MP, that in a world-first road safety initiative, new speed camera technology will soon target speeding drivers at selected school zones across Queensland.
Everyone has a role in keeping our roads safe. It is imperative drivers reduce their speed to the signed 40 km/h speed limit and be aware of activity by students on or near the road.
Speed cameras will only operate during school zone times at the selected schools. Parents, and carers dropping off or picking up students are urged to comply with school zone speed limits. Those who slow down will not be penalised.
Safety On Enderley Road
Enderley Road is a busy road servicing both St Rita’s and St Agatha’s and many local residents. Cautious driving by parents and student drivers is expected at all times in keeping our students, staff and parents safe.
Please put the safety of our students and other drivers before your convenience and adhere to the following expectations.
- Don’t Speed – Enderley Road during designated hours is a 40k maximum speed zone.
- Don’t park, drop off or pick up on Yellow Lined areas. They are there for a purpose, that being areas of potential risk. They are also marked by ‘witches hats’.
- Students must use the Assisted Crossing at the Pool end of Enderley Road to cross to and from the College.
- Be respectful of our neighbours – don’t park, drop off or pick up across resident driveways.
Please Label Student Belongings
Staff are experiencing a large volume of lost belongings – everything from clothing through to lunch bags and water bottles. To ensure lost items have the best chance of being returned quickly to their owner, please ensure items are labelled with the student’s name.
Stationery Ordering for 2023 Reminder
This is a pre-advice only, as ordering won't commence until next week.
The stationery lists and workbooks for 2023 will be published on the MK Educational Supplies website in Week 1 of Term 4: www.mkeducationalsupplies.com.au
Orders for 2023 are due by Tuesday 1 November 2022. (Please do not attempt to order now, as the complete lists are not yet loaded. The College will notify parents when the lists are published.)
- St Rita’s College and your child’s Year level, and select Girl View Book List
- Place a tick beside relevant subjects and tick beside A: COMPULSORY Items for all Students
- Show Subjects: to reveal the required equipment and workbooks
If your child already has the required equipment, you do not need to purchase new objects. The workbooks, however, must be purchased. There will be nominated delivery dates. The dates will be shown at the top of the order form and emailed to you at the time of ordering.
Term 4 Music Ensembles
As the College ‘Music year’ commences in Term 4, Year 12 students have now completed their time in the program and ensemble lists change based on placements completed at the end of last Term.
A new rehearsal schedule has been uploaded to the College App and students will see the rehearsals for their Term 4 ensembles on their MySRC calendar. All lessons and rehearsals will commence from the first day of Term.
College Photo Day – Thursday 6 October
The final formal photo day for the 2022 year will be held on Thursday 6 October. The day will encompass the remaining Sports photos and any student or staff photos that have not yet been taken
Click Here for the Schedule and Uniform requirements.
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of any group photo, envelopes will be made available in Student Services prior to the photo day. Please check with Mrs Timcke.
Friday 14 October – Final formal schooling day for Year 12 students
The final day of formal schooling for our Year 12 students is celebrated with a number of events. The information below is provided again for the notice of Year 12 families.
- Year 12 Breakfast – 6:45am - 8:30am, Eirene Hall, and Last Day of Classes. This is a Year 12 student and staff event hosted by the Year 11 students and marks the final day of official classes for the Year 12 girls. This has been a long-standing tradition and is an opportunity for the girls to share a meal together as they prepare for their last day of classes.
- House Group Lunches and Assemblies in House Groups (Years 7-12) The House Group Lunches and Assembly are an opportunity for the Year 12 students to be farewelled by their House Group. As this is the fundamental structure for our Pastoral Care structure, it is a wonderful opportunity for the Seniors to share their memories with those with whom they have commenced each day.
- Year 12 Final Assembly – 1:00pm, Eirene Hall (two family members per Year 12 student only) The final Assembly for our Year 12 students will be attended by all students and staff. Year 12 Parents, or two family members, are also invited to attend. Our Year 12 Students will be presented with their Presentation Hearts and blessed by the College community and we will witness the official handover of student leadership. Year 12 Parents as asked to arrive from 12:30pm (not before this time, please). Please note, that due to the seating capacity in Eirene, we appreciate you adhering to the two guests per student request.
- Year 12 Guard of Honour and Hat Throwing – 2:00pm approx. Immediately following Assembly, Year 12 parents are welcome to join their daughter/s for the Guard of Honour down the College Driveway. Once arriving at Hogan Place, parents are to follow the directions of College staff to the parent viewing area. Photos may be taken from this vantage.
- Dismissal and Pool. Year 12 students will be formally dismissed following the Hat Throwing. They are permitted to jump into the Pool, in uniform, if they wish. Students from other Year levels will not be permitted in the Pool area. Year 12 students will be asked to depart the Pool area by 2:50pm to enable the usual Friday afternoon water sports to take place. Students do not have permission to travel on public transport or rideshares in wet uniforms, nor enter any commercial premises in wet uniforms. It is the College’s expectation that they either bring a dry change of clothes should any of these be necessary.
College Annual Thanksgiving Celebration for Monday 17 October – compulsory attendance by Years 7, 11 and 12 students
The College Annual Thanksgiving Celebration (ATC) will be held on Monday 17 October at the Brisbane City Hall and is a compulsory event for attendance by Years 7, 11 and 12 students. Year 7 students must be accompanied by an adult or responsible person. Year 5 students are not required to attend to ATC.
Notification of Award Winners will be advised to the College community approximately 10 days out from the event. Bookings will be essential and families will be notified when the Booking Portal is opened.
Pantry Menu - Term 4
Full Menu Term 4
To view the full Term 4 Pantry Menus on the Pantry Page of MySRC CLICK HERE
The online ordering system is available for lunchtime orders only. An individual account must be set up for each student. Please review the information provided at the link, particularly in relation to cancellations or absence. Click Here
Daily Hot Menu Term 4
Upcoming Events
Upcoming in first weeks of Term 4
Further information, if available, can be accessed from the date entry in the MySRC Calendar.
Monday 3 October – Public Holiday
Tuesday 4 October – Term 4 Commences
Wednesday 5 October – Collins House Scoop and Slice Fundraiser
Wednesday 5 October – Year 10 Road Safety Program
Wednesday 5 October – Music Support Group Meeting
Thursday 6 October – College Photos
Friday 7 October – Award Winners for ATC Announced to Students
Friday 7/Saturday 8 October – Qld All Schools Touch Football Tournament
Saturday 8 October – Knowles Cup Tennis Rds 1 & 2
Saturday 8 October – Water Polo Rd 1
Monday 10-Thursday 14 October – Year 10 Camp
Monday 10 October – Year 11 Visual Art Excursion
Tuesday 11 October – Xaverian House Community Mass
Tuesday 11 October – Hogan Colour Day
Tuesday 11 October – Sports Subcommittee Meeting
Wednesday 12 October – Year 7 Retreat
Wednesday 12 October - Year 8 2023 (current Year 7) Subject Selection Evening
Thursday 13 October – Verbis published
Thursday 13 October – Year 5 Parent Madonna King Evening
Friday 14 October – Year 12 final formal schooling day
Saturday 15 October – Knowles Cup Tennis Rds 3 & 4
Saturday 15 October – Water Polo Rd 2
Saturday 15 October – St Rita’s College Race Day
Captains Fundraising Project - Rita's Rinse Aid for Relief
Please Donate
Rita's Rinse Aid For Relief is our College Captains project to assist the lives of the Ukrainian people. In our Year of Compassion, this is a 'fun fundraiser' to show our compassion for Ukraine during the despair they are enduring.
All funds raised will be provided to the UNHCR who are on the ground in Ukraine, neighbouring countries and beyond to protect and assist people forced to flee. Click Here to learn about their work.
On Friday 7 October at lunchtime, our five St Rita's Staff/Student teams will each take a 'Rinse' ... and that Rinse will be determined by the amount of donations their team attracts. Ice, Slime, Cream, Feathers, Flour - it's in the hands of the donations as to what the teams have to endure!
Donate now. We'll keep the College community posted on the donation tallies as they progress. Thank you for your support to Rita's Rinse Aid for Relief!
CLICK HERE to donate.
Community Events
St Rita's College Race Day – Have you booked your tickets?
Saturday 15 October 2022, 12:00pm-5:00pm
St Ledger Lawn Marquee, Trackside, Eagle Farm Racecourse
We are nearing the cut off date for booking tickets. Please don’t delay. Click on the link for full details and to purchase.
Our exclusive St Ledger Lawn Marquee venue is situated trackside, in the heart of the action, at Eagle Farm. Mingle on arrival in the lounge area, be seated in style whilst indulging the first class all-day buffet and enjoying an all-day Gold beverage package.
Year 8 Parent Lunch - Sunday 23 October
Year 8 parents – don’t forget to book your place at the Class of 2026 Parent/Carer Cohort lunch being held at the Albion Hotel on Sunday 23 October from midday. There is a cap to numbers.
This opportunity enables Year 8 parents to share a meal together and raise funds for the production of the St Rita's College Cookbook, which will be published in the Centenary year, 2026, and is led by the Year 8 parents, as parents of the Senior Class of 2026. What a thrilling opportunity to leave a legacy.
Thanks go to Mrs Delia Ambroselli-Domanti for organising this social event for Year 8 Parents.
CLICK HERE for full details and to book your ticket.